Health & Medical Nutrition

Cell Restoration in Our Body - What Can One Do to Enhance Cell Restoration?

Technology is always evolving and with in the last couple of years there has been remarkable discoveries made in research.
Surprisingly, a discovery has been made based on the science of Glyco Biology.
The science of Glyco Biology revolves around the discovery of monosacharides that assist the body in cell to cell communication.
What scientists has found is that on the outside of our cells are little tree like structures called glyco forms and on these glyco forms are monosacharides that is vital for one cell to communicate with an other.
Cells communicate billions of messages every day about everything that happens in your body.
To give you an example: Cells has to recognize when there is damaged cells and then communicate to the killer cells to destroy them or else they may become a tumor as cancer.
Cells need to communicate about what to do with the nutrients that you take in.
Your body also need to be able to communicate to create stem cells that are blank cells that can be turned into any cell in the body to repair certain damaged areas in your body.
This is vital if you have had a serious injury of some kind.
Think about the communication that takes place when you do something simple like moving your finger.
Millions of cells had to communicate for you to be able to do that.
That is nothing compared to what your body has to be able to communicate about 24/7 for your entire life.
Through lack of these 8 essential monosacharides in our daily diet we indefinitely will get to a stage where we have one or more health challenges.
One just has to look around to see that people are not getting better in this day and age but are in fact getting sicker.
Now you know why.
It is because of the deficiency of these 8 monosacharides also referred to as sugars.
One has to supplement with something called a Glyco Nutrient to have your body benefit from what it physiologically require to function optimally.
A Glyco Nutrient consist of all 8 sugars and is nowhere to be found in nature in a natural form that include all 8 sugars.
It can only be found as a Glyco Nutrient in the form of a proprietary patented product from a public company that has the patents to the stabilization proses to this product and can only be obtained via associates directly from the company that deliver it to the customers home.
It is not available in any shop or pharmacy and any health shop or pharmacy that claim to have glyco nutrient or any glocy technology is in breach of International laws and fraudulently producing or distributing something that is not a glyco nutrient.
What happens when you take a glyco nutrient? Well, as mentioned before, on the outside of our cells are glyco forms and on these glyco forms are supposed to be 8 monosacharides that is required for cell to cell communication.
If one of these monosacharides are not on a glyco form then proper communication cannot take palce from one cell to the other.
Imagine that you have a phone number of a friend but one digit is incorrect or missing.
Would you be able to phone him or her? The answer is no.
This is the case when monosacharides are missing on these structures of our cells and as time go by, your immune system is compromised making your body extremely vulnerable to various health challenges mainly with regard to auto immune diseases.
Interesting to note is the fact that it is these sugars that determine your blood group and as you know, you cannot give AB blood to A or B blood group.
Just show you what the significant is with regard to these sugars in our body.
Glyco nutritionals assist the body in restoring the structures on these glyco forms by replacing the lacking monosacharides that restore proper cell to cell communication that lead to improved health.
The science of Glyco Biology is considered by MIT as being one of the top 10 emerging technologies that is going to change the world.
MIT has regarded cell phone technology as disruptive technology that will change the world and similarly MIT has regarded this science as disruptive technology that is going to change the world.
Documentation on the science of Glyco Biology can be obtained from the Harpers Illustrated 27 th Edition.
There is a company that has proprietary patented technology described as Real Food Technology that is based on the science of Glyco Biology.
This wellness company is the only company on the planet that has Real Food Technology.
Their technology adheres to all International Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and boast with the National Science Foundation (NSF) stamp of approval on their products that are validated in science to actually do what the label says that it does.
Further more, the company has stringent quality control in place to make sure that their products are of the highest standard with stabilized, standardized Real Food Technology supplements that promote cell to cell communication, regulation of the endocrine system, nourishment and protection from free radical damage from our toxic world that we live in with one of the most powerful antioxidants on the globe and it is not me just saying so.
The scientific validation is their to back me up.
In fact, there is a website with the publications of the validation of their technology and being a public company they have to provide accurate information or the company would be shut down.
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