- 1). Login to your BlueHost Web hosting account. Go to its website, and click "Control Panel Login" on the top right of the main site. Alternatively, you can login using the following URL: "https://www.bluehost.com/cgi-bin/cplogin." Once you login, the cPanel, also known as the "Control Panel" displays.
- 2). Scroll down the cPanel. Find the section named "Domains." Click on "Domain Manager." This pulls up the "Domain Manager" tab. Located on the top left is a panel called "Shortcuts."
- 3). Find "Manage Domain Redirection" on the "Shortcuts" panel and click on it. A new page appears, entitled "Redirects." Under "Add Redirects," provide the specific data for the redirect. Next to "Type" is a drop-down box. The two options are "Permanent" and "Temporary." Choose "Permanent" if you have no plans to continue using the domain or subdomain that will be redirecting to another website. Choosing this will cause the website to be pulled from search engine indexes. This change is permanent. If you plan to use the pages on the website again, choose "Temporary." The search engines will continue to index the website when there are new updates.
- 4). Select the domain or subdomain name to which your plan on redirecting. It will be found in the drop-down menu next to "http://(www.)?" If you are redirecting a subdirectory, type in the subdirectory name after the "/" slash. As an example, the subdirectory to be redirected: "http://www.yourwebsite.com/directory" will appear in the text box as: "http://(www.)?yourwebsite.com/directory." In the above example, "directory" is the subdirectory. Input this after the "/" slash.
- 5). Enter the website URL you will be redirecting too. Input this next to the "Redirects To?'" field. Next to the option titled "www.redirection," select the option that is titled "Redirect With or Without www."
- 6). Click the "Add" button. This establishes the redirect. Open a Web browser. Type in the domain or subdomain URL that directs to another website. This provides verification that it works.