Health & Medical sports & Exercise

5 Thigh Exercises For Women

For women, thighs are often a problem area when it comes to losing weight.
The thighs have an important role in maintaining the whole look of the body, but losing weight from the area can often be a problem.
In this article, 5 exercises are outlined, which when done correctly can start to show results in as less as four to six weeks.
They work on not just the front part of the thigh but also the inner thigh.
For best results remember to combine these exercises with a proper diet and aerobic exercises.
Start with one set of 15 to 20 repetitions of each, and gradually increase to two sets.
The complete routine should be done twice a week at least.
But remember to consult your physician before you start the exercises.
Wall Squat: Exercises Front Thigh.
Start by standing up straight with your feet shoulder width open and back against the wall.
Bend the knees slowly, let your back slide down the wall gently, up to a count of five.
Your knees should be bent at an angle of 45 degrees, any more than this and you would end up putting excessive strain on the knees.
Hold the position for five seconds.
Slowly slide up the wall by straightening your knees and stand upright.
Repeat the exercise as required.
Standing Dumbbell Squats: Exercises Front Thigh.
Hold dumbbells in each hand and let them hang at your sides.
Stand upright with the feet shoulder width away from each other.
Slowly lower in to a squat position, while not letting your heels loose contact with the floor at any time.
Hold the position for 5 seconds.
Straighten your legs and stand up.
Repeat as required.
Lying Face Down: Stretch for Front Thigh.
Lie down on the stomach with the legs together.
Reach behind any grasp the left ankle with the right hand, pulling the left heel as far as you can.
Hold the position for half a minute.
Repeat with the other leg.
Seated Split Stretch: Stretch for Inner Thighs.
Sit on a mat spreading your legs as far as possible.
Lean to the left side and try to tough your toes.
Hold the position for half a minute.
Repeat with the other leg.
Seated Butterfly: Exercises Inner Thigh.
Sit on the mat with your back in a straight position.
Bring the soles of the feet towards each other and pull them as close to your body as possible.
Hold position for ten seconds.
Go back to the starting position.
Repeat as required.
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