- Kids will have fun seeing how long they can make a plastic braid. Cut off the bottom of each bag and cut into 1-inch strips up to the handles to form plastic loops. Join the loops together by sliding the top of the first loop a couple inches through the bottom of the second. Take the bottom end of the first loop and slide it through its own top end so that it encloses around the second loop and pull to make a knot. You can add to these loops continuously as you get more bags. Make three separate plastic loop strings and knot at one end. To braid the three strings, place the first string over the second and under the third. Next, place the new first string over the second and under the third. Repeat until the end of the strings and tie the ends into a knot.
- Make three plastic strings by looping nine plastic bags together. Tie the three strips together 5 inches from the end. Braid down to the bottom as tightly as possible. When you have 5 inches left, tie another knot. Cut the ends of the jump rope to make them even and fluff out so the string looks frayed.
- Decorate your clothes hangers with braided bags for a colorful closet. Each hanger will take about four plastic bags. Cut the plastic bags into loops and make two strings the same length. Find the middle of the strings and add a dab of glue to hold them together to create a cross. Add a little glue to the tip of the hook of a plastic coat hanger and attach the center of the cross of plastic bags. Wait for it to dry, then begin braiding the four pieces around the hook. When you reach the triangle of the coat hanger, continue to braid around it in one direction until you meet the top again. Trim and glue the ends of the strands into place.
- Braided plastic bags make durable coasters. You can crochet decorative coasters by following doily instructions with a size G crochet hook and your plastic looped string. If you do not know how to crochet, cut out a round piece of cardboard and glue the braided string onto it. Start in the center and work your way around the circle to create a sunburst pattern. While working on your pattern, press the braid firmly to adhere the glue. Place a heavy book on top of the coaster while it is drying to keep the bag flat.
- Use the braided bag string to crochet durable tote and beach bags. Follow crochet instructions with a size G crochet hook. If your crochet project is getting tight, add a few extra stitches to account for the thickness of the plastic string. Braided bag string can make everything from large storage baskets to small change purses.
- Use the looped plastic bag string to make friendship bracelets, anklets, and necklaces. You can braid the string or try different embroidery thread knots. Add beads and real string for further decoration.
Simple Braid
Jump Rope
Clothes Hanger