Great! You've just created your first blog.
You're putting down all your wonderful daily thoughts to share with the world on a regular basis.
You're even getting tons of visitors to your blog.
The problem is, you have no idea how to monetize it.
You'd love to make some money from your creation but don't know where to start.
Well, this article is going to give you a few ideas of how you can make money with your blog, none of which will require an enormous amount of work.
The easiest way to monetize your blog is with Google Adsense.
Google AdSense is an advertising system where the site owners who put up these ads share in the profits whenever somebody clicks on one of them.
So you make money for doing absolutely nothing other than just bringing people to your blog.
Since you're already getting visitors, simply sign up with an AdSense account and place a block of ads on your blog.
Google will know what type of ads to show based on the content and keywords of your blog.
Another great way to monetize your blog is by selling products as an affiliate.
Let's suppose you have a blog on pet supplies and you talk about the supplies that you personally use for your pet.
You can, at the end of your blog post, put in a plug for certain pet supplies that people can purchase online.
There are many sites that sell pet supplies that also have affiliate programs.
You simply sign up for one of these programs, pick a product to promote, and put the link up on your blog at the end of your post.
If your blog is getting a decent amount of traffic, you'll be surprised how many sales you can get out of this.
Neither of these two methods require any capital outlay, nor do they require a lot of work.
AdSense and affiliate marketing are two of the easiest ways to turn your blog into a money making machine.
All you need to do is write on a topic that people are interested in and make what you write valuable.
It's THAT easy.
To YOUR Success, Steven Wagenheim
You're putting down all your wonderful daily thoughts to share with the world on a regular basis.
You're even getting tons of visitors to your blog.
The problem is, you have no idea how to monetize it.
You'd love to make some money from your creation but don't know where to start.
Well, this article is going to give you a few ideas of how you can make money with your blog, none of which will require an enormous amount of work.
The easiest way to monetize your blog is with Google Adsense.
Google AdSense is an advertising system where the site owners who put up these ads share in the profits whenever somebody clicks on one of them.
So you make money for doing absolutely nothing other than just bringing people to your blog.
Since you're already getting visitors, simply sign up with an AdSense account and place a block of ads on your blog.
Google will know what type of ads to show based on the content and keywords of your blog.
Another great way to monetize your blog is by selling products as an affiliate.
Let's suppose you have a blog on pet supplies and you talk about the supplies that you personally use for your pet.
You can, at the end of your blog post, put in a plug for certain pet supplies that people can purchase online.
There are many sites that sell pet supplies that also have affiliate programs.
You simply sign up for one of these programs, pick a product to promote, and put the link up on your blog at the end of your post.
If your blog is getting a decent amount of traffic, you'll be surprised how many sales you can get out of this.
Neither of these two methods require any capital outlay, nor do they require a lot of work.
AdSense and affiliate marketing are two of the easiest ways to turn your blog into a money making machine.
All you need to do is write on a topic that people are interested in and make what you write valuable.
It's THAT easy.
To YOUR Success, Steven Wagenheim