After a long run on Madison Avenue as a Copywriter, I've been doing article marketing for the past 4 years.
And I am here to tell you, without an ounce of hesitation, that small business article marketing is one of the best investments in your business you will EVER MAKE! Why? By doing simple keyword research, you can literally go out and find those keywords, YOUR KEYWORDS, that are already getting searched for on Google and the other engines every month.
There are ways for you to know what people are already looking for in terms of keywords...
and you will start with them.
Those exact keywords will then be crafted into great content.
That keyword will appear in the title of the article and in the proper density within the article itself.
And that content will ADD VALUE to the lives of the readers.
While that content CANNOT be a glowing review of your business, it will talk about what your uniqueness is within your field.
Adding value to the article is the thing I see that is usually the biggest miss when people go to outsource their articles.
The last thing you want is an article that simply has a link to your site on it that is flat.
Why bother?!? By featuring great content about your business, and by ensuring that the writing in that article is passionate and fun and exciting, you will get FAR MORE PEOPLE TO CLICK THE LINKS TO YOUR SITE IN THE RESOURCE BOX! And that is the goal.
The result of doing all this the right way? You can very affordably start a program that gets your best keywords (the ones getting great monthly search volume) to Google page #1.
The people reading those articles will be treated to great content, and will be encouraged to click the link in the box TO TAKE THEM TO LEARN MORE...
These articles can get to and stay on those precious sites for years...
I defy you to show me how targeted web traffic that is treated to great pre-selling articles that then drive hoards of traffic to your site is NOT one of the best ways to generate online sales.
To me, small business article marketing is an absolute must.
Why do you think I do it?!?
And I am here to tell you, without an ounce of hesitation, that small business article marketing is one of the best investments in your business you will EVER MAKE! Why? By doing simple keyword research, you can literally go out and find those keywords, YOUR KEYWORDS, that are already getting searched for on Google and the other engines every month.
There are ways for you to know what people are already looking for in terms of keywords...
and you will start with them.
Those exact keywords will then be crafted into great content.
That keyword will appear in the title of the article and in the proper density within the article itself.
And that content will ADD VALUE to the lives of the readers.
While that content CANNOT be a glowing review of your business, it will talk about what your uniqueness is within your field.
Adding value to the article is the thing I see that is usually the biggest miss when people go to outsource their articles.
The last thing you want is an article that simply has a link to your site on it that is flat.
Why bother?!? By featuring great content about your business, and by ensuring that the writing in that article is passionate and fun and exciting, you will get FAR MORE PEOPLE TO CLICK THE LINKS TO YOUR SITE IN THE RESOURCE BOX! And that is the goal.
The result of doing all this the right way? You can very affordably start a program that gets your best keywords (the ones getting great monthly search volume) to Google page #1.
The people reading those articles will be treated to great content, and will be encouraged to click the link in the box TO TAKE THEM TO LEARN MORE...
These articles can get to and stay on those precious sites for years...
I defy you to show me how targeted web traffic that is treated to great pre-selling articles that then drive hoards of traffic to your site is NOT one of the best ways to generate online sales.
To me, small business article marketing is an absolute must.
Why do you think I do it?!?