- WebMD.com names pomegranate juice as a "super food" that is good for brain health (see Resources).
- MayoClinic.com states that drinking this juice can likely aid in reducing cholesterol.
- NutraIngredients.com says that pomegranate juice may help diabetics reduce the risk of hardening of the blood vessels, which can cause stroke and cardiovascular disease.
- WebMD.com reports that a University of California study showed that a diet that included pomegranate juice helped prevent the spread of prostate cancer.
- NutraIngredients.com states that the University of California's Preventive Medicine Research Institute and California Pacific Medical Center found that pomegranate juice improved blood flow to the heart in people with heart disease.
- MayoClinic.com notes that this juice contains more antioxidants, particularly polyphenols, than other fruit juices.
- Per WiseGeek.com, the juice is a good source of vitamins A, C and E, as well as folic acid.
Brain Food
Reduces Cholesterol
Diebetic Aid
Fights Prostate Cancer
Battles Heart Disease