- 1). Dismount the wheels from the vehicle if they are still installed. Raise the vehicle with a floor jack and support it on jack stands while the alloys are being refurbished. Take the wheels to a tire shop to have the tires removed from the wheels. This is not absolutely necessary but will make the restoration easier.
- 2). Rinse off the wheels thoroughly with a high pressure washer or a water hose to remove any dirt and debris. Clean the back of the wheels so no dirt or oil gets on the front of the wheel during the painting process.
- 3). Strip the paint and clear coat from the wheels with a strong paint stripper. Allow the stripper to soak until the paint begins to bubble. Wipe or hose the old paint off the wheels. Repeat until the wheels are completely stripped of the old paint and clear coat.
- 4). Clean the wheels with a mild cleanser. Wipe them down with mineral spirits. Use body filler to fill in any gouges or scratches. Mix the filler and the included hardener according the directions on the product's package. Apply it to the scratches. Allow it to dry fully. Sand it with 220-grit and then 320-grit sandpaper. Repeat the process until the gouges or scratches are even with the adjoining surface of the wheel.
- 5). Wipe the entire wheel down with mineral spirits before painting the wheels. This is a crucial step since a clean surface promotes strong paint adhesion.
- 6). Tape off the center of the wheel if you are painting the center a different color than the rim. Spray on a light coat of primer. Allow it to dry. Apply a second and third coat, allowing the primer to dry for at least 30 minutes between coats. Wet sand the primer with 320-grit and 400-grit wet sandpaper.
- 7). Wipe the wheel down with the mineral spirits again. Spray on a light coat of color. Allow it to dry for a minute or so. Apply two to three solid coats, allowing the paint to dry for 30 minutes between coats. Wet sand the paint with 320-grit and 400-grit wet sandpaper. Optional: Allow the paint to dry for several hours and then apply two to three coats of clear coat. Allow the wheels to dry overnight before attempting to mount tires on them or reinstall them on the car.