Health & Medical Lose Weight

Cinnamon and Weight Loss

Cinnamon has been used for thousands of years for its warming aroma and healing properties.
It is a source of important nutrients such as manganese.
It has anti-oxidant, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties.
Cinnamon can also help lower the cholesterol level.
Recent research showed that cinnamon can help improve blood sugar level and maintain a healthy insulin balance.
The blood sugar regulating properties of cinnamon are the factors that can help lose weight.
However, please note that cinnamon is not a miracle weight loss product.
If you want to lose weight you need to use it in conjunction with the other weight loss techniques.
  How to use cinnamon for weight loss? Sprinkle cinnamon on your morning coffee, use in herbal teas, shakes and smoothies.
Note that you need to consume at least one teaspoon a day to see the benefits.
Try the following drink: 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon, a pinch of stevia (really a pinch because stevia is much sweeter than sugar and a healthier alternative to it), half a glass of hot water and half a glass of rice milk.
It has a pleasant taste and increases the mind alertness.
Or you can add it to your shakes: 1/3 of ripe banana, 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon, 2 full tablespoon of soft tofu, 1/3 teaspoon of cocoa, 1 glass of rice milk (or organic soy milk or low-fat organic cow milk).
You can also take cinnamon capsules.
This is probably the best way to consume it since according to a research saliva destroys some of the beneficial properties of cinnamon.
Buy the cinnamon sticks or cinnamon powder in a natural food store to ensure the quality of the product.
Cinnamon can irritate the stomach lining so if you have stomach problems, consume it in moderation.
In general if you are pregnant, breast feeding or have a chronic disease, take precautions with any herbs.
Ask your doctor or do your own research to make sure they won't harm you.
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