When I was 13 years old I thought that impressing girls was a way to get them to like me.
I used to ride my skate board in front of the girls I liked and I would attempt to do cool tricks.
Sometimes I would pick on 12 year olds to look tough and cool.
But somehow these things never really worked.
The girls seemed to go out with the guys that were jerks.
When I turned 14 it was my first year as a Freshman in high school.
Even though all my "cool" tricks didn't work so well when I was 13, I thought that I would have a better chance at a different school.
I was wrong again.
The girls didn't like me.
So what does it take to impress a girl?Some men think that buying a woman a drink will impress her.
Other men believe that talking about their jobs, their money, or name-dropping impressing a woman, but nothing could be further from the truth.
When a man talks about how much money he makes or how much he spends, he's only attracting one kind of woman:a gold-digger.
Women that are gold-diggers only date men for their money and there are plenty of them out there.
Let's not confuse impressing a woman with attraction.
A women can be impressed by a man and not be attracted to him.
Whereas a woman is rarely attracted to a man she is not impressed by.
So trying to impress a women is actually very counterproductive because it does not create attraction.
Attractive women are approached by men constantly either directly or indirectly and they are used to men trying to impress them.
Women usually like this form of attention during their younger years but once they enter adulthood, they quickly become annoyed by it.
The fastest and easiest way to impress a woman is to not try and impress her.
Don't talk about your job right away, never tell her how much you make or even hint that you make a lot of money (if you do), and don't talk about the normal things that every other guy talks to her about.
Most men ask women what they do for a living, if they've visited that establishment before, what college or school they attended or attend and so on.
It's the same line of questioning that she's had to endure for years and she's tired of it.
This is why when you approach a woman you should never think about what to say, what the out come is going to be or might, or worry about any type of rejection.
Rejection is a myth that only exists in your mind.
If you really think about it, only people that know you and care about you can reject you.
So by that definition a stranger that you do not know cannot reject you because they do not know you.
This is why when I approach a woman that I don't know (or barely know) I'm thinking more about ways to entertain myself than to trying to impress her.
Remember, the best way to impress a woman is to not even try to impress her.
I've walked up to women on the street and asked them where they bought their shoes because I have a friend who was looking for a pair like that.
I've walked up to women in bars and asked them who was the smarter sex, men or women.
I like mixing it up with women.
I like challenging them in a fun way.
That's the key:if you mix humor, with a small challenge, and stay away from the same boring topics, and not worry about impressing her, you'll actually have a much better chance of impressing her.
Now isn't that a whole lot easier?
I used to ride my skate board in front of the girls I liked and I would attempt to do cool tricks.
Sometimes I would pick on 12 year olds to look tough and cool.
But somehow these things never really worked.
The girls seemed to go out with the guys that were jerks.
When I turned 14 it was my first year as a Freshman in high school.
Even though all my "cool" tricks didn't work so well when I was 13, I thought that I would have a better chance at a different school.
I was wrong again.
The girls didn't like me.
So what does it take to impress a girl?Some men think that buying a woman a drink will impress her.
Other men believe that talking about their jobs, their money, or name-dropping impressing a woman, but nothing could be further from the truth.
When a man talks about how much money he makes or how much he spends, he's only attracting one kind of woman:a gold-digger.
Women that are gold-diggers only date men for their money and there are plenty of them out there.
Let's not confuse impressing a woman with attraction.
A women can be impressed by a man and not be attracted to him.
Whereas a woman is rarely attracted to a man she is not impressed by.
So trying to impress a women is actually very counterproductive because it does not create attraction.
Attractive women are approached by men constantly either directly or indirectly and they are used to men trying to impress them.
Women usually like this form of attention during their younger years but once they enter adulthood, they quickly become annoyed by it.
The fastest and easiest way to impress a woman is to not try and impress her.
Don't talk about your job right away, never tell her how much you make or even hint that you make a lot of money (if you do), and don't talk about the normal things that every other guy talks to her about.
Most men ask women what they do for a living, if they've visited that establishment before, what college or school they attended or attend and so on.
It's the same line of questioning that she's had to endure for years and she's tired of it.
This is why when you approach a woman you should never think about what to say, what the out come is going to be or might, or worry about any type of rejection.
Rejection is a myth that only exists in your mind.
If you really think about it, only people that know you and care about you can reject you.
So by that definition a stranger that you do not know cannot reject you because they do not know you.
This is why when I approach a woman that I don't know (or barely know) I'm thinking more about ways to entertain myself than to trying to impress her.
Remember, the best way to impress a woman is to not even try to impress her.
I've walked up to women on the street and asked them where they bought their shoes because I have a friend who was looking for a pair like that.
I've walked up to women in bars and asked them who was the smarter sex, men or women.
I like mixing it up with women.
I like challenging them in a fun way.
That's the key:if you mix humor, with a small challenge, and stay away from the same boring topics, and not worry about impressing her, you'll actually have a much better chance of impressing her.
Now isn't that a whole lot easier?