Health & Medical Lose Weight

Five Worst Reasons to Lose Weight

We've all done it...
diet to lose weight, only to find that in very short order, we slip off the diet plan or after losing weight, gain our weight back and then some.
We become frustrated and disheartened, finally tell ourselves to give up, that we just can't lose weight.
It is difficult to maintain weight loss.
Studies show that only 5% of people who lose weight manage to keep it off for over 1 year.
So the good news is there are some successes.
The bad news is that there aren't enough, just yet.
How do the successful losers manage to keep their weight off? We'll be discussing that in upcoming articles.
For now, let's ask, why do you want to lose weight? If you're not doing it for the right reason, you are bound to fail or be disappointed in your results.
So, here are the Famous Five - reasons for weight loss that doom us to failure: 5.
This plan/supplement/pill/machine is guaranteed to make me lose weight, and quickly, too!
I hate to break it to you, but there is no get-rich-quick scheme that works and there's no lose-weight-fast scheme that works either.
Studies show that the faster you lose weight, the faster you will regain.
Supplements that are guaranteed to make you lose weight generally contain diuretics, laxatives, or metabolism-boosting ingredients that will only work for a short period of time and will either have negative side effects or have no long-term benefits.
This year's best selling diet book will be on for sale on eBay at half price in 6 months.
If any of those diets really worked, there wouldn't be shelves and shelves of diet books in the book store.
4 I've got to lose X pounds by the reunion/wedding/party.
While we all want to look good when we run into old friends and relatives we haven't seen for a while, we often set ourselves up for failure by placing too much pressure on ourselves to lose too much weight too quickly..
The other problem is that once the event is over (or even during the event) we decide it's OK to stop dieting and begin to re-feed ourselves.
Diets don't work.
They cause a sense of deprivation and loss, leading us to eventually rebel and start rebound eating where we overeat to compensate for the lack of food while we dieted.
Because I want to look like (you name the celebrity or supermodel).
Standards for lthe ideal body type for women are becoming more stringent as we see models and actresses who are thinner and thinner.
We need to start recognizing that there is a wide range of acceptable and healthy body types and that the healthy weight and shape will vary depending on individual differences including age, height, body build, bone structure, athleticism, genetics, etc.
Because my partner tells me I'm fat.
Worrying about an obese partner's health is one thing, but criticzing a partner because of their looks is as emotionally abusive as name-calliing.
Bullying partners often use criticsm to control you and damage your self esteem, making you more vulnerable and less willing to assert your independence.
I can guarantee you that if you lose weight, your partner is going to find something else to criticize.
Because then I'll be happy.
Granted, believing that you look good makes you feel better about yourself and if you become healthier, you will feel more energetic, and honestly, successful weight loss will boost your self esteem.
But your increased self-worth comes from being successful at a tough task and not from the weight loss itself.
Have you ever heard the saying, Where ever you go, there you are? Weight loss will not be the panacea that cures all ills.
You will still have to learn to cope with your feelings, difficult relationships, and disappointments that come your way.
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