Health & Medical sports & Exercise

How Much Sitting Are You Doing Each Day?

You are probably sitting right now as you read this - something that is done by all of us countless times a day.
We sit to commute to and from work and we usually spend hours each day seated at work.
Our leisure time is mostly spent watching television or in front of a computer so much of the 16 odd hours we are awake each day is spent seated.
Not many people are fully aware that this chair time is an insidious health hazard.
As research would have it, this very simple and often necessary act could be harming your health in a surprising number of ways.
Our modern lifestyle promotes an absence of whole body movement by us sitting in one place for long periods.
This sedentary time is so dangerous that it can lead to a weakening of muscles and bones which triggers a weakening of the entire body and all of its systems.
One of those systems is the immune system which is the body's armor and defense protecting us from disease and illness.
This is the very last thing we should want downgraded especially as we grow older.
Chair time also slows our metabolism (our body's engine) which can lead to weight gain which further increases disease risk.
We now know that sitting for long periods shuts off the body's fat burning systems increasing the storage of fat.
Because the muscles are not active the enzymes in blood vessel within the muscles responsible for the burning of fuel (energy/calories) are shut off within hours of not standing and moving.
Without the constant circulation of these enzymes and hormones fats and sugars in the blood are kept re-circulating.
This means they either get shunted into fat storage or hang around and clog arteries and do damage to other organs and tissues.
Hello heart attack.
It has been estimated by the experts that thanks to the conveniences of our computerized, seated sedentary lives, we burn 1,000 fewer calories a day than we did just 30 years ago.
That is about half a days worth of food for most of us.
As the body slows, circulation slows, digestion becomes sluggish, and our fat burning metabolism dims to a flicker.
This physical state is now closely associated with the epidemic of common and deadly diseases in our modern society today.
Heart disease, diabetes, cancer and disorders of the metabolism are all 'lifestyle' diseases.
This means we give them to ourselves.
To protect your own life you will have to take action and do something that may not feel 'easy' or comfortable, even unnatural especially in the beginning.
You need to put an intentional strength training exercise program in place in your life to offset the damage caused by too much sitting.
Just 2-3 sessions of proper exercise is needed each week to keep your muscles strong and healthy.
As well as intentional exercise you may even look at taking a little of your leisure time and spend it doing some enjoyable recreational activities.
After you overcome the initial inertia and have gotten used to your new found active lifestyle, you may become aware of the positive benefits to your physical, mental and emotional well-being.
Your body will thank you in so many ways as regaining and staying strong is exactly what it needs to keep itself vital, energetic and youthful.
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