Blockage Problems
If the Luxaire heat pump does not seem to be working well in the air conditioning system, the air passageways may be blocked. Often the ductwork filters can become filled with layers of particles over time and impede air flow, or the Luxaire fan system outdoors can become clogged with dirt and leaves. These should be cleared away so that the system can perform as expected. Inside, filters can be replaced to clear airflow.
Running Cycle Problems
Sometimes Luxaire heat pumps that are used to heat water may have trouble heating in precise cycles. The pump may turn on and off too quickly or may constantly run without stopping a cycle. Sometimes these problems are caused by defective motors or heating elements, but there could be many possibilities. Air may have leaked into the Luxaire heat pump, in which case it must be bled out before the system will go back to operating at peak efficiency.
Thermostat Problems
Sometimes thermostats, especially those that are several years old, can give incorrect temperature readings. Luxaire thermostats can be adjusted electronically, but problems like frayed wires or a malfunctioning thermostat can create flaws throughout the system, including water that doesn't get hot enough or air conditioning that starts and stops constantly.
Weather Problems
If the Luxaire heat pump exchanges air with the outside to release the cold air from the house, then it may be subject to weather problems. In hot climates, systems can sometimes overheat, while in cold climates frost can settle on the coils and impede the transfer of heat. Most Luxaire models have defrost cycles that keep frost from impeding the process, but if coolant fluid is low or there are fan problems, then the frost may persist.
Replacement Issues
Luxaire models have received several complaints on for needing replacement parts frequently. The compressor is most often cited as needing replacement, but coils and condensers were also mentioned as having been replaced in attempts to solve heat pump problems. Users have also reported coolant leaks requiring replacement parts and coolant addition.