Society & Culture & Entertainment Religion & Spirituality

Christmas - The Spirit Of Commemoration?

Christmas is celebrated the world over and although clearly linked to the Christian faith the date and customs are much older.
In the early days, the heads of the Catholic church concluded that it would be simpler to redirect the prevailing pagan customs rather than eradicate them.
Of the wide range of pagan holidays assumed by the Roman Church, none other than Christmas was so successful, where the pagan renewal celebrations were changed to focus on the birth of Jesus Christ, the Christian Messiah.
This day is now celebrated globally, including countries which are not predominantly Christian.
In spite of Christianity dating from the time of Christ the celebration of Christmas started only in the Middle Ages and remarkably at its inception, it had nothing to do with the birth of Christ.
Originally, Jesus' birth was celebrated in summer, however, considering numerous pagan festivals and holy days were celebrated in December, this was moved to December also.
Babylon, Egypt and Germany celebrated fertility rituals in the same month.
Significantly the birth of the sun God Mithras, the largest enemy of Christianity, was December 25th.
Hence the shift.
The Celts in the British Isles held green plants, such as mistletoe and holly, in high religious esteem.
So they were integrated into the Christmas traditions.
The practice of decorating a tree and burning the yule log were absorbed from the Scandinavian observance of yule festivities in spite of having nothing to do with the birth of Christ.
Concurrently St Nicholas's day celebrations were shifted from December 6 to December 25.
The tradition of Christmas trees varies in different parts of the world.
In Germany, traditionally people visit the woods and decorate live trees with candles and ornaments, whereas in the United States living trees are cut and brought indoors.
Considering live trees dry out and can be dangerous, they have been substituted in many homes by artificial trees.
These are convenient to use, resemble live trees and can be pre-decorated with colored lights.
The origin of carols dates back to the Middle Ages.
During this time gifts and feasting were strongly discouraged in favor of a peaceful celebration of the Nativity.
This was in marked contrast to the Bacchanalian festivities associated with pagan observances, at which people over-indulged.
One school of thought today is critical of the practice of giving presents which, it says, has too much significance and takes away from the spirit behind the celebration.
Whatever the origin of Christmas, in the western world it is a universal celebration by many regardless of their religion.
A holiday marked by a spirit of generosity and of giving, appeals to mankind's spirit uniting people of different religions for one day every year.
Gifts piled under a brightly-lit tree cast a magical spell for young and old alike.
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