- A slight diversion from the typical games of charades is called Bible charades. This game is ideal for all ages and allows children to show off facts they have learned about the Bible. To play this game, write down the names of famous people in the Bible on small sheets of paper, fold them and place the papers in a bowl or hat. People take turns choosing a name out of the hat and acting out the character without speaking or making any sounds. This game becomes a lot of fun when someone chooses a name of a person he is not familiar with. It is also fun watching members of the church use their creativity to act out roles of different people.
- Organize a relay race as a fun game for all ages. Divide the guests into teams and explain the requirements of the race. Use variations if desired, such as three-legged races or potato sack races. Bible relay is another variation to the typical relay race game. Divide guests into teams and give each team a Bible. When the teams are instructed to go, the players run from the starting line to the finish line. When they reach the finish line, someone instructs them to turn to a specific passage of the Bible, read it and then hand the Bible to the next player. Whichever team finishes first wins the game.
- On hot summer afternoons, an egg toss game is fun to play, yet can be extremely messy. Ask guests to pair up with someone. Form two lines one foot apart, facing each other. Each pair of teams stands in opposite lines, facing each other. Give each team an egg. Tell teams to begin throwing the egg back and forth. After each toss, each team member takes one step back. The game becomes harder to play because players continuously move farther away from each other. When a team's egg breaks, the team is out. This is a messy game but can also be played with hard boiled eggs.
- Prior to the start of the picnic, hide different items throughout the park or location of the picnic. Divide guests into teams and hand each time a list of items they must find. Include some common items that are naturally located at a park, such as a rock or leaf. The teams begin searching when instructed. Normally, the teams are given a set amount of time to search. The time limit depends on the number of items to find and the complexity of the location of the items. Typically 30 to 60 minutes is allowed. When the time ends, ring a loud bell or noise maker or otherwise instruct teams to report back at a certain time. Whichever team has the most items on the list wins the game.
Bible Charades
Relay Races
Egg Toss
Scavenger Hunt