We have all seen them, men with huge beer bellies. They walk around with spare tires, plumber's butts, and A cup boobs. What has happen to these men? Maybe they got older? Or maybe they just gave up on life and decided to let themselves go? Well, it all boils down to one thing, power.
Aside from sexual organs, men and women are quite different. Men are reared to be courageous and powerful. This power comes from the manipura chakra, also known as the third chakra or power chakra. It is located in the solar plexus, in the center of the body. The power chakra is commonly associated with the Yoruba deity Ogun. The manipura chakra is considered the seat of the soul. It is a place that manages the digestive system. However, the digestive process is the reflection of one's ability to assimilate and "digest" not only food, but also thoughts, emotions, and beliefs. This center determines the health of both our bodies and mind.
Have you ever had a "gut" feeling? This is the manipura chakra working to process information, to help you make the best decision possible. However, a blocked manipura chakra can lead to problems. Many men have a difficult time expressing their emotions. So they go through life with all of their feelings balled up inside of them. This is why men like to watch violent movies, or listen to music with explicit lyrics. These forms of entertainment resonate with men, giving them a vicarious thrill.
However, the fantasy world is just a temporary solution to a permanent problem. Sooner or later, men are going to have to release the energy that is trapped inside of them. And they are either going to punch a wall or someone's face. Some men have the opposite effect. They just give up entirely. These are the men who have no "guts" they don't stand up for what they believe in. They're scared to go after what they want, and they are always making excuses for their shortcomings. In worse situations, these men become deadbeat dads, convicts, and losers.
Men with blocked manipura chakras need to reach out to Ogun because somewhere along the line they have been robbed of their personal power. In many situations, their feelings were never appreciated or validated. Other things like cruelty, abuse, ridicule, shaming, blaming, and guilt, can destroy a man's confidence, resulting in them losing the desire to live full and productive lives. These issues are reflected in the fictional character Ali in the book When The Shadows Began To Dance. It is the first novel that touches on the power and healing abilities of Orishas and African deities.
Aside from sexual organs, men and women are quite different. Men are reared to be courageous and powerful. This power comes from the manipura chakra, also known as the third chakra or power chakra. It is located in the solar plexus, in the center of the body. The power chakra is commonly associated with the Yoruba deity Ogun. The manipura chakra is considered the seat of the soul. It is a place that manages the digestive system. However, the digestive process is the reflection of one's ability to assimilate and "digest" not only food, but also thoughts, emotions, and beliefs. This center determines the health of both our bodies and mind.
Have you ever had a "gut" feeling? This is the manipura chakra working to process information, to help you make the best decision possible. However, a blocked manipura chakra can lead to problems. Many men have a difficult time expressing their emotions. So they go through life with all of their feelings balled up inside of them. This is why men like to watch violent movies, or listen to music with explicit lyrics. These forms of entertainment resonate with men, giving them a vicarious thrill.
However, the fantasy world is just a temporary solution to a permanent problem. Sooner or later, men are going to have to release the energy that is trapped inside of them. And they are either going to punch a wall or someone's face. Some men have the opposite effect. They just give up entirely. These are the men who have no "guts" they don't stand up for what they believe in. They're scared to go after what they want, and they are always making excuses for their shortcomings. In worse situations, these men become deadbeat dads, convicts, and losers.
Men with blocked manipura chakras need to reach out to Ogun because somewhere along the line they have been robbed of their personal power. In many situations, their feelings were never appreciated or validated. Other things like cruelty, abuse, ridicule, shaming, blaming, and guilt, can destroy a man's confidence, resulting in them losing the desire to live full and productive lives. These issues are reflected in the fictional character Ali in the book When The Shadows Began To Dance. It is the first novel that touches on the power and healing abilities of Orishas and African deities.