You must always guard your soul; it is your most valuable possession. Money can never replace you soul, because it is not the real you. The soul is that part of you that stares out into the outer world; it beholds the good and the bad. As the scriptures say, in part, what would a man give in exchange for his soul? My answer to the last question is absolutely nothing. Nothing can ever take the place of what your soul means to you; guard it well.
Be aware of the influence that speakers and people in general can have over your soul. One of the most precious things you have is your soul. We must be concern for it safety and protection. The soul is we and we is the soul. Be ever conscience of the influence that someone may have over you. Is it for your good? Or is it for you hurt? You must be aware enough to know if someone is trying to harm you. I have heard this statement said before, that the real battle starts in the mind.
The outer appearance of a person is not always a true indication of their intent. A person with a neat and clean look does not necessary reflect good intentions. You must be in connection with your inner self, so you can have some kind indication of their true intent. Some people look very meek and calm, but on the inside they are extremely dangerous individuals. There are some people walking on planet earth that are very nice looking on the outside, but on the inside they are filled with all kind of wickedness and fornication. The outside of a cup maybe very pretty, but the inside maybe filled with mold and stains.
In this life it is important to be grounded in your beliefs, and sure of your faith. There are some people who will try to shake your faith for the expressed purpose of exploitation or pure undiluted meanness. You have to stand strong in your faith and beliefs. For something to be grounded it must have a solid connection and foundation. Our mental strength has to be solidly grounded and full of faith. You must know what you know and don't let anyone shake you or knock you off your foundation.
You must make your mind strong through continuous awareness, because sometimes what you see is not all there is; some people will stoop to very low and underhanded methods to get what the want.
We must have faith that Yahweh is able to give us the victory; just keep trusting in him.
Dark days or bright days, happy or sad, in joy or sadness, regardless, guard your soul with everything you have; saving and protecting your soul is the most important thing you will ever do.
Be aware of the influence that speakers and people in general can have over your soul. One of the most precious things you have is your soul. We must be concern for it safety and protection. The soul is we and we is the soul. Be ever conscience of the influence that someone may have over you. Is it for your good? Or is it for you hurt? You must be aware enough to know if someone is trying to harm you. I have heard this statement said before, that the real battle starts in the mind.
The outer appearance of a person is not always a true indication of their intent. A person with a neat and clean look does not necessary reflect good intentions. You must be in connection with your inner self, so you can have some kind indication of their true intent. Some people look very meek and calm, but on the inside they are extremely dangerous individuals. There are some people walking on planet earth that are very nice looking on the outside, but on the inside they are filled with all kind of wickedness and fornication. The outside of a cup maybe very pretty, but the inside maybe filled with mold and stains.
In this life it is important to be grounded in your beliefs, and sure of your faith. There are some people who will try to shake your faith for the expressed purpose of exploitation or pure undiluted meanness. You have to stand strong in your faith and beliefs. For something to be grounded it must have a solid connection and foundation. Our mental strength has to be solidly grounded and full of faith. You must know what you know and don't let anyone shake you or knock you off your foundation.
You must make your mind strong through continuous awareness, because sometimes what you see is not all there is; some people will stoop to very low and underhanded methods to get what the want.
We must have faith that Yahweh is able to give us the victory; just keep trusting in him.
Dark days or bright days, happy or sad, in joy or sadness, regardless, guard your soul with everything you have; saving and protecting your soul is the most important thing you will ever do.