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Christian Wedding Ceremony in Las Vegas, Nevada


    • You need to decide what kind of Christian wedding you want, and why. Although you can have a traditional wedding in Las Vegas, it is not the most common venue for a large, traditional Christian wedding in a church. However, it has many options for less traditional weddings in a variety of settings.

    Marrying in Las Vegas, Nevada

    • Even in Las Vegas, you must meet certain conditions before you can marry. If you have been married before, you must show that your divorce is final. Your must be at least 18 years old or have the consent of at least one of your parents. You need one witness. There are no blood tests or waiting period, but you must get a license to marry; the Marriage License Bureau is open from 8 a.m. to midnight every day, including holidays. However, if you want to have your wedding at a hotel or hall, you might have to make arrangements well in advance.

    Traditional Christian Wedding

    • You can have a traditional Christian wedding in Las Vegas. A traditional Christian wedding includes a prelude, lighting of the candles, processional, a prayer opening, giving away of the bride, worships, charge to bride and groom, pledging, wedding vows, ring exchange, presentation of the unity candle, pronouncement, communion, praying in closing, kiss, presentation of the couple, recessional. Many wedding chapels as well as hotels in Las Vegas can provide the setting for a traditional wedding.

    Mobile Wedding Pastor

    • For a more simple Christian wedding, you can have a mobile wedding pastor come to your location. For example, Canyon Ridge Christian Church will send a licensed pastor from the church to preside at your wedding. The fee for the pastor is $200. You can get premarital counseling for an additional $170 fee. You also can have your wedding at the church, for a higher fee.


    • The social and cultural environment of Las Vegas allows flexibility in your Christian wedding ceremony. Many hotels, including the MGM Grand, Harrah's and the Venetian, offer wedding packages that include Christian ceremonies. However, you should schedule your wedding well in advance, in order to be sure you can get an ordained Christian pastor to officiate at your ceremony.

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