Society & Culture & Entertainment Religion & Spirituality

Why Humans are Unique Among Species

What is the secret that differentiates humans from salamanders? Your spiritual growth tells you it is more than size. Use the spirituality information in this article to expand your awareness of self.

The energy that runs through all that is runs through you. You are connected to the farthest star in the farthest galaxy that you can imagine and even beyond that. You have the ability to tap into and withdraw information from the universal mind that knows all things.

The only thing required by you is to make your intention known and then put your attention on your intention. The universal mind has no other option than to honor your deeply held desire.

You must then be awake and aware to be able to recognize the manifestation of your desire when it shows up in your life. All too often, as sleepwalkers, we are not conscious of our creations when they show up in our lives because they are not in the exact form that we visualized when we set our intentions. Or they don't show up in the same time frame that we have imagined them to be on. Or we discover that what we have set our intentions on does not really serve us and so we therefore reject it.

It really doesn't matter. The process is still working with its beautiful, coordinated synchronicity whether we are conscious of it or whether we are unconscious of it.

The process is cause and effect in the same manner that all of nature works. When you plant a tomato seed everything that is needed to make that tomato plant is in that seed. All the intentions of tomatoes are held within the seed and the planting of the seed €causes€ the process to move forward.

Nature nurtures the seed by a method of nutrient rich soil, life-giving water and a light source that works in a simplistic and complex matrix of information exchange that allows the seed to germinate, sprout and grow with the end €effect€ of producing a tomato.

The same energy that makes the tomato is in you. The same life forces that cause the tomato seed to evolve is the same life force that causes you to evolve. The difference is that the tomato and the apple and the lion and the beetle and the clay soil and the granite slab are all just purely being whatever it is that they are. The tomato is €being€ a tomato and does what a tomato does. The lion is €being€ a lion and does what a lion does.

We, as humans, are also €being€ what humans are and we do what humans do, but we have one extra element of our existence that is unique to our species. None of the other entities that we know of in life can use thoughts in the same manner that we do.

This ability to use thoughts in a conscious or unconscious manner is what makes the process of life a uniquely human faculty in our collaborative effort to experience all that we know. While the other non-human entities can exist by just €being€ whatever they are being, we get to have the unparalleled capability to €create our lives.€

It is in this awesome innate quality of creativity that the human species triggers the cause and effect relationship that makes our own lives whatever we choose for them to be, individually, and makes the world we live in whatever we choose it to be, collectively. We are creating our lives and the world we live in by the present moment thoughts and decisions about who we choose to €be€ in any given moment.

The process of creation is on going and never-ending because the formula for everything that we create is the three-step method of thought, word and deed. Everything starts with a thought. All thought is creative. That is the nature of thought. We, as humans, have the ability to think about our thoughts. We, as humans, have the free will to choose the thoughts that we wish to pursue.

So who is choosing your particular thoughts? This entity we think of as ourselves is a three-part being made up of mind, body and spirit. Is the mind choosing your thoughts? Is the body choosing your thoughts? Is your spirit choosing your thoughts? Is the silent observer choosing your thoughts?

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