Sukkot is a Jewish holiday that celebrates the harvest and the protection of the Jewish people as they wandered through the desert during the Exodus from Egypt. It is celebrated in modern times by a series wonderful traditions, stories, meditation in prayer, and most notably, the building of a sukkot. It also requires the purchase of four spices for the appropriate celebration of the holiday.
The four spices are the lulav, etrog, haddasim, and avarot. These spices can usually be purchased from your Rabbi but some choose to search elsewhere for their four spices. Be careful, however, as there are very strict rules governing the spices used during Sukkot.
First, the etrog must be beautiful and pleasant looking. It cannot be discolored or harmed in any way. This means the skin must be intact and the pittum must be attached to the fruit. The pittum is a stem-like piece of wood that protrudes from the top of the fruit. If the pittum is broken, the etrog is no longer kosher, however if the fruit grows without a pittum, the fruit is still kosher. Make sure that the etrog is oblong in shape and not ball-like.
That being said, don't feel like you need to take a magnifying glass to the skin of the etrog. It must be pure on first glance only. Many times an etrog will have a slight discoloration which is the natural result of having a leaf laying on it while it was in the sun. If there are several bubbles or dark black spots that are easily noticed then the fruit is invalid for use during the holiday.
Along with the etrog you need to purchase the lulav. There are rules governing this as well. The leaves of the lulav are naturally doubled. They are connected and folded over on one another. Be sure to look extra carefully at the middle leaf. This is the most important. If the leaf in the middle of the lulav is significantly divided then it is invalid and cannot be used for Sukkot.
The other two spices do not have the same strict rules regulating their appearance but you still need to take care to follow the regulations set down in the teachings of the Torah.The importance of tradition in the Jewish faith is paramount. Following the correct teachings and ways as your ancestors is how to stay in touch with the faith and your family values. This is why it is important to choose the correct celebratory spices for your Sukkot celebration.
The four spices are the lulav, etrog, haddasim, and avarot. These spices can usually be purchased from your Rabbi but some choose to search elsewhere for their four spices. Be careful, however, as there are very strict rules governing the spices used during Sukkot.
First, the etrog must be beautiful and pleasant looking. It cannot be discolored or harmed in any way. This means the skin must be intact and the pittum must be attached to the fruit. The pittum is a stem-like piece of wood that protrudes from the top of the fruit. If the pittum is broken, the etrog is no longer kosher, however if the fruit grows without a pittum, the fruit is still kosher. Make sure that the etrog is oblong in shape and not ball-like.
That being said, don't feel like you need to take a magnifying glass to the skin of the etrog. It must be pure on first glance only. Many times an etrog will have a slight discoloration which is the natural result of having a leaf laying on it while it was in the sun. If there are several bubbles or dark black spots that are easily noticed then the fruit is invalid for use during the holiday.
Along with the etrog you need to purchase the lulav. There are rules governing this as well. The leaves of the lulav are naturally doubled. They are connected and folded over on one another. Be sure to look extra carefully at the middle leaf. This is the most important. If the leaf in the middle of the lulav is significantly divided then it is invalid and cannot be used for Sukkot.
The other two spices do not have the same strict rules regulating their appearance but you still need to take care to follow the regulations set down in the teachings of the Torah.The importance of tradition in the Jewish faith is paramount. Following the correct teachings and ways as your ancestors is how to stay in touch with the faith and your family values. This is why it is important to choose the correct celebratory spices for your Sukkot celebration.