- 1). Allow the pellet stove to cool for 24 hours before cleaning. Empty the stove's ash tray. It is important to empty the tray every two or three uses to avoid clogging the air holes in the stove.
- 2). Check the burn pot to see if the air holes are clogged. If they are, wash the pot thoroughly with hot water and soap. Allow it to dry before putting it back into the stove.
- 3). Clean out the ash traps located behind the burn pot. Pull them out, empty the ash, and rinse them. Return them to their place after they have dried.
- 4). Vacuum out any excess dust and ash from the stove and the fuel hopper. The fuel hopper is located near the ash traps.
- 5). Change or clean out any air filters in the stove. The filters may be replaceable, or you may need to rinse them with cool water.
- 6). Use a better quality of fuel to avoid ash build up in the stove. Cleaning out these areas should allow fresh air into the stove.