- 1). Sketch a circle on the page to create an area where you will construct the image of a clenched fist. This circle does not have to be perfect, as it is merely a guideline and will be erased eventually. Use light pencil strokes to draw this circle.
- 2). Start with the thumb of the hand as it crosses the palm and covers each of the fingers. Take note of how the thumb bends and each crease moves through this finger. Create a rounded, rectangular shape to represent the fingernail of the thumb.
- 3). Sketch out four tube-like shapes that will represent the clenched fingers. Place these fingers next to each other, as depicted in the picture you are using as a reference guide. Draw fingernails on each of these fingers unless the thumb is overlapping this area. Include the creases in each of the fingers.
- 4). Round out the palm of the fist and draw two vertical lines to represent the wrist of the person's arm. Add light lines to the palm to reflect the creases in the palm of the model or picture you are using as a reference guide.
- 5). Trace the outline and intended detailed pencil marks of the clenched fist with an ink pen to create a bolder look. Carefully move the pen over each of the pencil lines that define the hand, ensuring that you do not smear the ink or make any harsh mistakes. When the ink has dried, erase all guidelines and remaining visible pencil marks.
- 6). Add shading to the clenched fist to create a more realistic and three-dimensional look for your drawing. Determine a common point on the paper that will act as a light source, illuminating every part of the hand in its direct path while casting shadows on everything else. Use the pen to create cross-hatched lines for shading or use the pencil to lightly shade the intended areas.