- 1). Log in to FeedBurner using your Gmail address and password. Open your delivery settings by clicking on the "feed" you want to edit and then on the "Publicize" tab at the top of the screen.
- 2). Click on "Email Subscriptions" in the menu on the left, then click on the "Delivery Options" link below. Change your delivery time to allow for editing. FeedBurner sends out one email per day regardless of how many posts you write, so use a time later in the evening well after you've finished publishing your posts for the day.
- 3). Give yourself an additional two or three hours in case you need to go back and change something. For example, if you find that you usually post before 8:00 in the evening, set your FeedBurner feeds to publish at 11 p.m. Click on the "Save" button to save the new settings.
- 4). Edit the post in question by logging in to your blog or website. Publish the edited version and return to FeedBurner to "ping" your post. Note that if you are trying to replace one post with another, your FeedBurner daily email must not have gone out; otherwise, your subscribers will see the unedited post and the new version won't be delivered.
- 5). Ping your new post by going to "feedburner.com/fb/a/ping," pasting the link to your new post into the field and clicking the "Ping FeedBurner" button. This will force FeedBurner to "ping" your post; however, the changes will not appear for about 30 minutes. If you are in a hurry, you can "resync" FeedBurner so the changes are reflected immediately.
- 6). Go back to FeedBurner, click on your feed and then on the "Troubleshootize" tab at the top of the screen. Scroll down to the "Resync Now" button and click on it. This will tell FeedBurner to empty its cache history and replace it with a new one. Use the "resync" option if you've edited posts from a few months back or even if you had to edit one you wrote this morning. This way, when your subscribers look back through your FeedBurner posts, the edited posts will display properly.