Society & Culture & Entertainment Writing

Article Marketing Tips - Some Tips For the Clueless and Not What You Think

I am going to refrain my mentioning any names or sites in this article because I don't want to take the risk that it won't get published.
But what I have to say needs to be heard and it needs to be understood by every article marketer out there.
What you are about to read is a true story.
The names have been left out to protect the guilty and the criminally stupid.
Let's begin.
Just today, I was reading a thread at a favorite forum of mine.
It seems that the person who started the thread was complaining about submitting an article to an article directory and having the article rejected, not because of the content of the article itself, but because the site pointed to in the resource box had content that the article directory objected to.
I hope I made that clear enough.
Now, before I go on any further, if you read the TOS of any article directory, it will state that they have the right to reject any article for any reason at all.
The reason they don't publish a complete list of reasons is because if they do that, any wannabe lawyer could argue that the reason the article was rejected is NOT in the list.
So they make this pretty vague.
Bottom line is simple.
Any article directory can reject your article for any reason...
like it or not.
Well, this person, who had their article rejected, went on to say that this was censorship...
that they were censoring their site.
Okay, obviously this person needs to look up the definition of censorship in the dictionary because they don't have a clue.
Their site was not removed from the Internet.
Heck, it wasn't even removed from the search engines.
The article directory simply doesn't want to be associated with the site in question.
That is not censorship.
It is simply policy.
But of course the Internet wannabe lawyers will make it into something it's not.
So here is your tip.
Take it for what it's worth to you.
If you want to do article marketing and want to submit your articles to article directories, read the TOS of that directory BEFORE you submit your article to them.
You will most likely find a section that says that they can reject your article for ANY reason they see fit.
Any reason means just that...
ANY reason.
This is not censorship.
It is simply directory policy.
If you don't like the policy, submit your article someplace else.
It's that simple.
Article marketing through another person's site is not a right.
It's a privilege.
Some people have a problem with that concept.
To YOUR Success, Steven Wagenheim
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