Health & Medical Lose Weight

Habits that Will Make You Lose Weight Faster

There are many factors involved with weight loss, and how successful you are usually depends on the habits you practice on a regular basis. It's not only big things, but small ones that have to be addressed if you want to make any serious changes in your life. So let's begin exploring some of the habits and practices that you must be aware of to lose weight.

Anyone who has tried various exercise routines and tends to quit them all should try the simplest form of exercise of all -walking. Walking is probably the oldest and most diverse type of exercise there is, and you can start as fast or slow as you want. There are few limitations when it comes to where you can walk, as it can be done in a shopping mall, a park, city sidewalks or in the woods. The great thing about walking is that, even if you haven't exercised for years, you can start out going for brief walks and build up your endurance. Since walking doesn't burn as many calories as running or more vigorous forms of exercise, you should try to get yourself up to five or six days per week and an hour per session. If you walk in a pleasant environment, and perhaps with some other people, you won't find that this is a difficult habit to keep up. If you're by yourself, try listening to music or books on tape while you walk.

Consider the psychological principle that it's better to focus on adding good things to your diet rather than giving up bad things. While you may have to reduce your intake of calories, it's a good idea to focus more on healthy foods you should be eating rather than on what you have to cut out of your diet. Try to get into the habit of making a priority out of whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables; when you eat more of these, you'll automatically be eating fewer unhealthy foods as there won't be as much space in your body or your budget for them!

When you're at the store, don't even let yourself think about junk foods or desserts until you've gotten your supply of produce, whole grains and other items that are good for you. So instead of going over in your mind what you're trying to give up, remind yourself of how good you'll feel when you eat more healthy foods.

People often eat because it's a certain time of day rather than because they're really hungry. There's no point in eating unless your body has an actual need for nourishment -that should be your guide, not the clock. You should also not take extra helpings of a dish simply because it's available. You may not realize this, but eating quickly actually tends to make you eat more, so by chewing slower you can consume less. There's the simple fact that the slower you eat, the less time at the meal there will be to eat more, but it goes beyond this, as it even allows you to get filled up on less food. When you eat slower, you give yourself a chance to fully digest your food so that when your body has had enough, it will let you know. Eating more consciously, by only eating when you're really hungry and by eating at a slower pace, can help you to lose weight.

If you want to lose weight, then, it's necessary to take all of your habits, even the smallest ones, into consideration. When you can cultivate healthy habits like exercising consistently, you can begin to really transform your life. You can't lose weight by going on a diet for a week here and there, so this is another area where the key is to change your habits. Avoid the temptation to backslide when developing new habits, as it's easy to fall back into what's familiar.

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