Health & Medical sports & Exercise

Enhancing College Football Winning

The High Toss Football Catch

Because not all throws are perfect you will need to practice making catches that are high or low. Here are some simple steps when making a high catch: Make a diamond with their forefingers and thumbs. When you try to catch the ball with your body there is a greater chance that it is going to bounce off and cause an incomplete pass. Important Tip: never, ever, under any circumstances, for any reason, take your eyes off the ball; even after you have caught it watch the ball until you know that it is safely in your grips. When you practice a high catch you are going to perform it subconsciously on the field, so remember extend the arms, catch and follow through.

Drive Block

When talking about the fundamentals of a great offense or defense, you have to know what a good driving and blocking techniques are. Hence the name for the most common drive: the drive block. When you want to remove an opponent effectively you will use the drive block again and again. The first step of this block is the scrimmage alignment, in order to drive to the right or left this basic block will push your opponent in the way that they are aligned, so if they are aligned to the right the drive will push them to the right. Execute the drive by bolting off the line with your play side foot; again if the play is happening on the left side then you will use your left foot. Bring the other foot up quickly and make a solid contact for your drive.

Football tackling 101

Learning how to perform a proper tackle is fundamental to the game of football. Tackling can be fun and exhilarating, but done improperly and it can be dangerous. When you tackle your opponent remember three important steps:

First, plant yourself in front of your opponent. You can do this by placing your foot between your opponents feet. At the same time you want to bring your arms back in anticipation for the next phase.

Second, thrust your other foot again squarely in front of your opponent and with all the momentum that you have brought to the tackle grab your opponent. At this point you are well planted in front and your head should be in direct contact. Never, ever, ever tackle with the top of your head down, keep it up and square against your opponent. Tell yourself, or your players to imagine that they are biting the football.

The third and last step is to bring your hips up and drive the opponent backwards and towards the ground. The more momentum that you bring to the table on steps two and three the more effective your speed will be in this last step.

Forcing the Fumble

There is a golden rule in football defense, get the ball to the offensive team as quickly as possible. The fastest way to gain possession of the ball is to force an offensive player to fumble the football. Practice dislodging the football on the field in pairs of players. The defender will practice stripping the ball by bringing his hands up quickly with a clenched fist to grab the opponent and as he does so to aim to knock out the football. Start the drill slowly, and reward for a strong tackle that affectively tackles and makes an attack to dislodge the offensive players grip on the ball.
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