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Use a hack saw. A hack saw is one of the cheapest and most basic ways to cut metal. No metal sculptor should be without one. A hack saw uses a variety of different blades and is capable of cutting through thick steel. - 2
Use extensive heat to bend and shape steel, or weaken it for cutting. A blowtorch or an extremely hot fire will do. Iron melts at 2,750 degrees F, and steel melts at 2,500 degrees F. - 3). Use a lathe. A lathe is good for cutting, drilling and polishing grinding metal. A CNC lathe (Computer Numerical Controlled) is perfect for steel-cutting jobs where precision is of the utmost importance. These machines are expensive and can be out of reach of the majority of metal sculpting artists, but they are worth it if you can afford one.
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Do detail work with a hammer and metal-shaving chisels and drill bits. You can purchase metal-cutting chisel sets at many hardware stores. These tools allow you to effectively "carve" steel. - 5
Try laser steel cutting. This is a newer technology for cutting steel. Unfortunately, it's cost prohibitive for most metalworking artists. Still, there are plenty of other options available to help you turn junk metal into appreciated art.