Health & Medical Anti Aging

Is There a Fountain of Youth?

Our culture puts a great deal of emphasis on maintaining the appearance of youth, good looks, and even conventional appearance.
Consequently there is a huge market for anti-aging products, cosmetics that cover-up and promote the same concept of beauty for everyone.
Personally, I have never bought into to the concept of the aging process.
I believe that good health created by enjoying a healthy lifestyle of good balanced nutrition, enjoyable exercise, quality rest and relaxation with attention to mastering stress will support our health and well being exhibiting a vibrancy that glows from the inside outward.
This to me is the true fountain of youth.
At any time we can reverse the aging process, at least to some degree.
In my view reversing the aging process is not the optimum goal, rather creating vibrant health which glows like a light from the inside out.
Whether you intend to reverse aging or prevent aging the process is the same.
At any time we can enhance our health of body, mind and spirit such that we project a vibrancy that indicates a 'joi-de-vivre.
' Identifying what we associate as the signs of aging is useful.
These are our body's signals that we are out of balance.
Wrinkles, dull and dry skin, brown spots, loss of facial tone and contours, stiff aching joints and muscles, shrinking muscles, loss of strength, tiredness are all indications that our self health care is lacking.
How we develop these occurrences needs to be better understood.
Both genetics and lifestyle will influence our health and the way we look and feel as our years increase in number.
Our signs of aging should develop slowly and gradually.
We can't stop or prevent aging.
It is a natural life process.
However, I believe that we all can style our years with grace.
Helpful practices for maintaining a vibrant glow of grace - 1.
Nutrition - a.
Establish an eating plan suited to your health needs and activity.
Eat non-processed whole foods that are free from synthetic preservatives, rich in antioxidants, live enzymes and essential fatty acids.
Discover the foods that specifically suit you.
Drink sufficient pure water.
Minimize your consumption of sugars, low quality fats, caffeine, and alcohol.
Enjoy quality exercise and leisure activities 3.
Get quality relaxation and rest - yoga, meditation.
Incorporate methods mastering stress.
Minimize the use of make up .
Many ingredients in make up dry and harm the skin and your health.
and even age the appearance of your skin.
Search for and use the purest skin care products that you can find.
Laugh! ...
a lot! 8.
Create the Life that YOU Enjoy! True beauty is each individual's unique natural beauty.
Developing your healthy, vibrant body, mind and spirit is the greatest beauty you can display.
This is Your Fountain of Youth.
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