Health & Medical Healthy Living

What Exercises Help the Brain to Focus Better?

    Give Your Brain a Chance

    • A tired brain is like a tired muscle, it just doesn't have the same capacity. Start by getting a good night's sleep, seven to eight hours for an adult.

      Similarly a brain already trying to function through a haze of alcohol or other drugs will not be as focused. Try to eliminate chemical depressants in your system.

    Clear the Way

    • Often a person doesn't have an inherent inability to focus, the problem is he is focused on too many things at once. Stress can seriously interfere with attention and alertness. Take a critical look at your life and eliminate as many sources of stress as possible. Many find meditation useful, or yoga or another form of exercise. For some, just a few minutes to listen to quiet music or rest in a comfy chair will help considerably. The goal is to clear away intrusive thoughts. Mental rest will help with attention and allow deeper processing of the problems. A short refresher will go a long way to improving focus.

      Avoid distractions. Few people can give their mind to something completely if they are in a chaotic environment. Get away from the music, the TV and the kids, and have the only sensory input be the one you are trying to focus on. The brain can usually only process one line of words, so words being spoken will interfere with words being read. Though you may try to tune out the sound, the brain will likely be partially listening to the words if it hears other human voices.

      Avoid "fractionalization." In other words, when thoughts are continuously interrupted it's like the brain anticipates the next interruption and starts alerting to something else after only a few moments instead of staying with the subject. Breaking up our thinking into short periods becomes a habit. Avoid commercial television because the commercials fractionalize the story line, instead opt for a movie or better still a book. The phone is also a culprit because it interrupts whatever else is going on. Turn it off when it's necessary to focus.

      Pay attention to your diet. There might be things in a diet that can have a negative effect on focus. Some people have subtle allergic reactions to regular food that might make them feel sleepy or jumpy. If you suspect food is causing a focus problem then keep a food journal to try to track down offenders.

      Make sure your diet is a well rounded one. A poor diet can create illnesses that can interfere with focus. Be sure your diet includes protein, and limit fats.

      Studies have shown that caffeine in moderate quantities can increase alertness. Note, however, that caffeine can disrupt sleep, leading to less alertness. Caffeine in larger quantities has the opposite effect and makes concentration more difficult.

    Simple Exercises

    • A number of games can increase brain facility. Many can be purchased over the Internet, but it's not necessary to use a commercial product. Here are a few simple methods:

      --Read aloud, listen to the words as well as see them.
      --When reading a book, after every paragraph ask yourself what you just read and try to come up with a question about it. Do the same thing when someone is talking. Investing in the subject will bring rewards, one of which will be increased focus.
      --As you drive along and see addresses on buildings, add the numbers in your head. Once that becomes easy, try multiplying the numbers. Play other games that demand concentration and mental manipulation.
      --Focus on one sensory channel at a time. For each exercise sit in one spot and allow ten minutes. 1. Close your eyes and listen, listen for even the faintest sounds. 2. Focus your attention on vision, look for color, pattern, the smallest details. 3. Concentrate only on smell: what's the main odor? What else do you smell? Apply this technique at work/school: when someone is talking, close your eyes or look at something completely blank, like the wall, so your attention is exclusively on the words. If you're reading, imagine a single tone playing that blacks out all other noises so you can focus only on what you are seeing.

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