Health & Medical sports & Exercise

Best Exercises For Your Tummy - Reduce and Flatten Your Tummy Now

The goal is a flatter and stronger stomach for most people who start a workout routine for the abdominals.
If there hasn't been any strength gained on the stomach muscles, then a flat, smooth tummy isn't a large accomplishment even though it looks sexy and attractive.
You want to add strength to the core abdominals along with achieving slimmer outer abdominals.
Midsection muscles that build strength in the abdominal area can be worked out with exercises for the core as we will describe below.
Always prevent injury by doing a proper warm up and consult a professional trainer prior to starting any exercise routine.
Scissor Kicks You should be lying on the floor for this tummy exercise.
Keep your back on the floor as you put your hands beneath your butt then raise one leg slowly to approximately ten inches before lowering it slowly to the floor.
Raise the opposite leg as you lower the first, then repeat for a full set.
Do not allow momentum to take over, maintain control during the entire movement while keeping the upper body against the floor the entire time.
Toning the Torso Get on the floor on your hands and knees to start this stomach exercise.
Extend your left arm in front of you like the first down signal a football referee gives as you pull in the stomach.
Then extend the right leg behind you keeping the arm stretched out.
Alternate your legs and arms until you do a complete set and try to avoid allowing the pelvis to sway out of position.
Crunch-less Crunch While the theory is simple, this stomach exercise can be hard to perform.
The basic idea is to attempt to pull the belly button towards the spine which can be tricky if you aren't used to using these muscles.
You can kneel or lie on the stomach to start.
Trying each way will determine which way it feels best for you.
Relax your body as much as you can and try to utilize the lower abdominals to pull the belly button to the spine; hold for ten seconds.
Hold for more time if this is easy for you.
You should feel the rest of the muscles working harder than the transverse abdominus or stop feeling the contraction before releasing it.
Butt Burner This exercise requires lying on your back and cushioning the spine with a towel or mat.
Place your arms at your sides with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground.
Lift the pelvis from the floor while squeezing the buttocks.
The rest of the body should remain in line.
The pelvis should be at a height of about forty-five degrees; the upper body from head up to knees should remain straight like a flat ramp all the way down.
Prior to lowering the pelvis slowly to the ground you should hold for up to five seconds and then repeat.
There are many tummy exercises out there to build strength.
The above mentioned are just a sample of what you can find.
You want an exercise that works the core muscles focusing on the transverse abdominal muscles if you wish to strengthen the midsection.
Pilates are good for this as well.
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