You can find an anti aging skin care review for any one of several thousand different products.
That's how large the market is today.
There is no way to cover all of them in this brief article, but we would like to share some of the problems to watch out for.
It's really all about the ingredients.
Many reviewers report adverse effects from creams, gels, ointments and lotions that are supposed to reduce wrinkles, plump lips and fill tiny lines, among other things.
But, usually, they cannot explain what caused the negative or lacking results.
It almost takes a chemistry degree just to read the labels on some of these products.
In one anti aging skin care review, everything in the "collagen kit" felt greasy, sticky and heavy.
Nothing worked the way it was supposed to.
The eye cream was too thick, felt like chap-stick and ended up in the reviewer's eyes over night.
The lip "plumper" made her lips seem moist at first, but after a week of use, they were drier than ever.
The reviewer concluded that it was "another disappointing attempt to find products that actually do what they say".
The price she paid for the collagen kit was $78.
One would think that anything costing that much would be of the highest quality and would have received an "excellent" anti aging skin care review.
So, what happened? First, she ordered it from the home shopping network.
That's a problem because there is no way to read the ingredients before you buy.
The creams and lotions probably contained mineral oil, liquid paraffin, paraffin wax or petrolatum.
These ingredients are used to "coat" the skin and keep in moisture.
The problem is that they are too thick and clog the pores.
The reason her lips felt moister initially and then drier than ever is because those ingredients strip away natural oils.
Some people don't recognize that it is the product that is causing the problem, so they just use more and more.
Since, in this anti aging skin care review, the customer said that the eye treatment felt like chap-stick, it probably contained paraffin wax.
That's what chap-stick is.
It works temporarily, but is not for long term use.
The reason that nothing worked is because collagen in a cream form never works.
If you want to look younger, you have to support your body's natural ability to produce more collagen, on its own.
Collagen injections work temporarily because they "enlarge" the lips by filling them up.
Collagen applied directly to the skin does nothing.
Plus, the substance is extracted from cow hides and many people are allergic to it.
If you do some research, you will find that there are natural lotions that contain nourishing ingredients that will enhance your appearance, reduce wrinkles and the appearance of tiny lines.
Reading an anti aging skin care review can only help so much.
What you really need to read is the label and the list of ingredients.
That's how large the market is today.
There is no way to cover all of them in this brief article, but we would like to share some of the problems to watch out for.
It's really all about the ingredients.
Many reviewers report adverse effects from creams, gels, ointments and lotions that are supposed to reduce wrinkles, plump lips and fill tiny lines, among other things.
But, usually, they cannot explain what caused the negative or lacking results.
It almost takes a chemistry degree just to read the labels on some of these products.
In one anti aging skin care review, everything in the "collagen kit" felt greasy, sticky and heavy.
Nothing worked the way it was supposed to.
The eye cream was too thick, felt like chap-stick and ended up in the reviewer's eyes over night.
The lip "plumper" made her lips seem moist at first, but after a week of use, they were drier than ever.
The reviewer concluded that it was "another disappointing attempt to find products that actually do what they say".
The price she paid for the collagen kit was $78.
One would think that anything costing that much would be of the highest quality and would have received an "excellent" anti aging skin care review.
So, what happened? First, she ordered it from the home shopping network.
That's a problem because there is no way to read the ingredients before you buy.
The creams and lotions probably contained mineral oil, liquid paraffin, paraffin wax or petrolatum.
These ingredients are used to "coat" the skin and keep in moisture.
The problem is that they are too thick and clog the pores.
The reason her lips felt moister initially and then drier than ever is because those ingredients strip away natural oils.
Some people don't recognize that it is the product that is causing the problem, so they just use more and more.
Since, in this anti aging skin care review, the customer said that the eye treatment felt like chap-stick, it probably contained paraffin wax.
That's what chap-stick is.
It works temporarily, but is not for long term use.
The reason that nothing worked is because collagen in a cream form never works.
If you want to look younger, you have to support your body's natural ability to produce more collagen, on its own.
Collagen injections work temporarily because they "enlarge" the lips by filling them up.
Collagen applied directly to the skin does nothing.
Plus, the substance is extracted from cow hides and many people are allergic to it.
If you do some research, you will find that there are natural lotions that contain nourishing ingredients that will enhance your appearance, reduce wrinkles and the appearance of tiny lines.
Reading an anti aging skin care review can only help so much.
What you really need to read is the label and the list of ingredients.