Business & Finance Blogging

3 Ways to make money blogging by lee frankis

Here are 3 different ways to make money blogging;

1. Advertise on your blog

Advertising on your blog is probably the most obvious methods when considering how to make money from blogging. It's also one of the easiest methods to implement, especially when using a blog. Google owns blogger and also runs an advertising solution for a blogger such as yourself, called Google Adsense.

The key with advertising as your main revenue source, is being able to gain a lot of page views and regular hits in the thousands per day. This is a difficult task to say the least, you also have to consider that on top of writing lots of cool original content that people want to read, you also need to promote your website, and optimize it for search engines.

You can find more information on how to promote and optimize your blog on the free blog tutorials page.

2. Earn Money Online With Affiliate Marketing

This method is popular because the payout per click can be much higher than advertising methods. This method involves using an affiliate program such as clickbank, to find and promote vendors products, in turn receiving commission of up to 75% upon the sale of a product which was referred by you.

The way this works is once you have signed up for clickbank as an affiliate and receive your clickbank id, you can create hoplinks. These hoplinks are essentially links to the vendors product page with an encrypted code that lets clickbank know the traffic came from you. If a user on your website clicks the hoplink you have created and then they go on to buy that vendors product, then you receive the commission.

3. Join a Paid Blogging Program

Paid blogging programs such as payperpost offer bloggers the opportunity to write paid reviews on their blog. These reviews are paid by advertisers looking for someone to write a paid, and therefore positive review.

It's really simple to set up, just join one of the paid blogging programs (payperpost is the best) and then wait. You will be hired to write reviews and articles by advertisers on the site based on many factors. Things like how many visitors your blog gets is definitely up there, as well as your fan base/followers and the quality of the content on your blog.

For more information on all of the three ways to make money blogging mentioned above then head on over to the free blog tutorials page.
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