If you're a bit scrawny and just can't seem to gain any muscle weight (and it IS muscle weight you want as opposed to just FAT!), you have come to EXACTLY THE RIGHT PLACE.
I have just what you need - sample weight gain and bodybuilding diets at different caloric amounts which TELL YOU EXACTLY WHAT TO EAT AND WHEN TO EAT IT - no guess work.
What could be simpler than that! You can print it off and leave it on your fridge.
Gaining weight fast and building your dream body at the same time has never been easier! A good weight gain diet is VITAL for your muscular development.
A bodybuilding diet that leaves you in a caloric deficit is like trying to buy a $30,000 car with only $10,000 in the bank.
Many problems can arise though when attempting a muscle weight gain diet.
Not eating enough calories explains why many guys look the exact same as they did last week, even last year but eating too many calories can bulk you up with no muscle definition.
So you need to start with a meal plan designed specifically for you...
Wouldn't it make life simple if you were told and shown EXACTLY what to eat, when to eat, how much to eat and how to cook it!? One of the most common questions I hear is "How do I know how many calories to consume to gain weight?" I would recommend a simple formula which my friend Vince Delmonte uses:Your body weight X 15.
This is a conservative bulk up plan.
If you want to bulk up even more, go with your body weight x 18.
Below you will find extracts from a Sample HEALTH MASS PLAN for 2000 Calories which is an ideal bulking up diet if you are 140-150 pounds.
6:00 am Breakfast: 5 Eggs, whole 1 cup Mushrooms 1/2 cup Onions 1 cup Jalapeno peppers 1/2 cup Salsa 3 cups Tomatoes 1 tsp Olive, Flax, Hemp or Salmon Oils 35g P - 45g C - 9g F Calories: 401 12:00 pm Lunch: 4 oz Chicken breast, skinless 2 slice Whole grain bread 4 tsp Mayonnaise 28g P - 36g C - 12g F - Calories: 364 6:00 pm Dinner: 4 oz Fish 1/2 cup Mushrooms 1/2 cup Onions 1 cup Tomatoes 1 1/3 tsp Olive, Flax, Hemp or Salmon Oils 2/3 cup Rice 28g P - 36g C - 12g F - Calories: 364 Even though being in a caloric surplus is critical for gaining weight, you can still experience muscle growth by increasing the QUALITY of your nutrition before increasing the QUANTITY of your nutrition.
That means a 2000 calorie HEALTHY MASS PLAN will build more muscle than a 3000 calorie DIRTY MASS PLAN.
Does that make sense ok?So this 2000 calorie plan might be the solution for you if you've been relying on dirty nutrition to bulk up.
I have just what you need - sample weight gain and bodybuilding diets at different caloric amounts which TELL YOU EXACTLY WHAT TO EAT AND WHEN TO EAT IT - no guess work.
What could be simpler than that! You can print it off and leave it on your fridge.
Gaining weight fast and building your dream body at the same time has never been easier! A good weight gain diet is VITAL for your muscular development.
A bodybuilding diet that leaves you in a caloric deficit is like trying to buy a $30,000 car with only $10,000 in the bank.
Many problems can arise though when attempting a muscle weight gain diet.
Not eating enough calories explains why many guys look the exact same as they did last week, even last year but eating too many calories can bulk you up with no muscle definition.
So you need to start with a meal plan designed specifically for you...
Wouldn't it make life simple if you were told and shown EXACTLY what to eat, when to eat, how much to eat and how to cook it!? One of the most common questions I hear is "How do I know how many calories to consume to gain weight?" I would recommend a simple formula which my friend Vince Delmonte uses:Your body weight X 15.
This is a conservative bulk up plan.
If you want to bulk up even more, go with your body weight x 18.
Below you will find extracts from a Sample HEALTH MASS PLAN for 2000 Calories which is an ideal bulking up diet if you are 140-150 pounds.
6:00 am Breakfast: 5 Eggs, whole 1 cup Mushrooms 1/2 cup Onions 1 cup Jalapeno peppers 1/2 cup Salsa 3 cups Tomatoes 1 tsp Olive, Flax, Hemp or Salmon Oils 35g P - 45g C - 9g F Calories: 401 12:00 pm Lunch: 4 oz Chicken breast, skinless 2 slice Whole grain bread 4 tsp Mayonnaise 28g P - 36g C - 12g F - Calories: 364 6:00 pm Dinner: 4 oz Fish 1/2 cup Mushrooms 1/2 cup Onions 1 cup Tomatoes 1 1/3 tsp Olive, Flax, Hemp or Salmon Oils 2/3 cup Rice 28g P - 36g C - 12g F - Calories: 364 Even though being in a caloric surplus is critical for gaining weight, you can still experience muscle growth by increasing the QUALITY of your nutrition before increasing the QUANTITY of your nutrition.
That means a 2000 calorie HEALTHY MASS PLAN will build more muscle than a 3000 calorie DIRTY MASS PLAN.
Does that make sense ok?So this 2000 calorie plan might be the solution for you if you've been relying on dirty nutrition to bulk up.