Widgets that will make your website professional Most of you know that Blogspot provides many widgets to its users but you might not know which are best for your blog.
In this article I will provide you with the list of widgets that I think are best for your blog.
Maximum users using both Blogspot and WordPress think that Blogspot lacks in customization than WordPress but following widgets will allow you to make customizable professional blog using Blogspot.
Disqus comments Blogger post comments provide all the functionality but if you want to have better commenting system then you should try Disqus comments.
You can insert it in Blogspot from here.
Related posts This blogger widget shows related posts below each post on the basis of category/label.
This will keep people on you blog for longer time.
If you are interested, you can get it from here.
Top posts This widget ranks your posts by analyzing social engagement with your blogger posts like user clicks, bookmarking and comments.
It will let your readers know about your most engaging topics.
Grab it from this link.
Convey this translator button Convey this translator button is the best way to increase international traffic to your blog.
It can translate your blog content to number of different languages.
Share on Facebook Social bookmarking is very important for every blog because it increases traffic to your blog.
Facebook is top social community website.
This widget will act as a handy tool for your readers to share your posts on Facebook with their friends.
If you love to increase traffic to you blog then get it from here.
Share this If you do not want to limit your users to share your posts only on Facebook then this widget is for you.
This will help your readers to share your posts to many social bookmarking services including Facebook, Twitter, Digg and Stumbleupon and many more.
Flash animated label cloud In this widget all your labels/categories can be presented in a flash animated label cloud.
This is helpful to increase reader's attention to your categories list.
In this article I will provide you with the list of widgets that I think are best for your blog.
Maximum users using both Blogspot and WordPress think that Blogspot lacks in customization than WordPress but following widgets will allow you to make customizable professional blog using Blogspot.
Disqus comments Blogger post comments provide all the functionality but if you want to have better commenting system then you should try Disqus comments.
You can insert it in Blogspot from here.
Related posts This blogger widget shows related posts below each post on the basis of category/label.
This will keep people on you blog for longer time.
If you are interested, you can get it from here.
Top posts This widget ranks your posts by analyzing social engagement with your blogger posts like user clicks, bookmarking and comments.
It will let your readers know about your most engaging topics.
Grab it from this link.
Convey this translator button Convey this translator button is the best way to increase international traffic to your blog.
It can translate your blog content to number of different languages.
Share on Facebook Social bookmarking is very important for every blog because it increases traffic to your blog.
Facebook is top social community website.
This widget will act as a handy tool for your readers to share your posts on Facebook with their friends.
If you love to increase traffic to you blog then get it from here.
Share this If you do not want to limit your users to share your posts only on Facebook then this widget is for you.
This will help your readers to share your posts to many social bookmarking services including Facebook, Twitter, Digg and Stumbleupon and many more.
Flash animated label cloud In this widget all your labels/categories can be presented in a flash animated label cloud.
This is helpful to increase reader's attention to your categories list.