You have been in contact with her for months through online dating, and now both of you are ready and agree to take one more step to know each other better off line.
It excites you - but you are stuck with dating idea that will show you the real sporty side of her.
What I mean here, is she really a football fan like she said on her emails or just mention it just to impress you? Why don't you find it out? This is important since you put this sporty issue a big deal.
She will be your future mate and you don't ant to be surprised finding her turn out to be a bitch who fights you over the remote control for her favorite soap opera when you are watching the final game on your tube.
You want a mate, who will enjoy it as much as you do and share popcorns instead of sharp words, don't you? No matter how much you weigh the sport issue on your relationship-if both of you are a sporty type you will find the most suitable places for first dating will be something both of you enjoy and feel comfortable with.
But, there is huge YES and big NO - NO places to go for your first date and you need to consider it carefully.
You need to find places that are romantic enough to ensure a second round date will follow so it will not be your first and the last date too.
She is a woman after all, and women need you to romance her, to make her feel special.
Take her to Gym - Yes and No! Sweat smelling grunting sound place like gym is not a right place.
Her first impression of you will be a skunk smelling male who is struggling with his bench press trying to impress her.
Believe me, she won't.
You will imprint your image as a true selfish male on her mind.
Unless both of you are into bodybuilding.
Being training partner shall be a good idea.
You both will communicate and often have eyes and body contact.
If she is not - you are better of find other places.
Take her to Tai Qi out door - Yes! Tai Qi is so relaxing for both mind and body and perfect since it is usually done out door.
You will enjoy the fresh air while watching each other doing little erotic slow motion kungfu moves.
It will not leave your body sweat smelling and afterwards both of you shall have a glass of lemon tea or fruit juice in the café near by.
A walk in the beach - Yes! It is better than taking her to your local swimming pool.
Beach provides sentimental feeling and is a romantic place.
You can't go wrong with beach.
It has sun, sea, sand and beautiful body? Yes.
It's the right place to put on your sexy swim suit and show off your muscular chest, and you also will be able to see her right away in her bikini.
Hmm--not a bad idea, right? 4.
Teach her billiards.
Invite her to play some pool game with you.
She can't play? It's even more than perfect.
Offer to teach her.
You got the idea? Imagine her bending her body over the pool table and you stand close even so close behind her that you could smell her.
It is so erotic to whisper to her right to her ear while you are teaching her to play pool game.
Watch NBA game live! Why not.
Take her watch the game live, not on tube and let the spectator's emotion take effect.
If both of you indeed enjoy the same game, it will be a perfect night for both of you since you are going to scream, to jump, and hug each other to celebrate once your team score and win.
This will be a long interesting topic for weeks.
Country road take me home.
Yes Rent bike and ride you date to country side.
Challenge her to race to the country side.
The last one to reach it shall provide a dinner.
This idea is to let her win on purpose to ensure you have another opportunity to invite her for second date.
Don't forget to make some sandwiches and coffee with you.
At the end of the ride, find a place to eat it while having a good conversation.
Pamper her Pamper You.
Nothing can beat the warm water and jet stream of Jacuzzi.
It not only relaxes your muscle, but it gives you a feeling of levity that you can't get any other way.
Jacuzzi will unwind and strike up some interesting conversation.
You'll spend a day you won't soon forget with her.
It excites you - but you are stuck with dating idea that will show you the real sporty side of her.
What I mean here, is she really a football fan like she said on her emails or just mention it just to impress you? Why don't you find it out? This is important since you put this sporty issue a big deal.
She will be your future mate and you don't ant to be surprised finding her turn out to be a bitch who fights you over the remote control for her favorite soap opera when you are watching the final game on your tube.
You want a mate, who will enjoy it as much as you do and share popcorns instead of sharp words, don't you? No matter how much you weigh the sport issue on your relationship-if both of you are a sporty type you will find the most suitable places for first dating will be something both of you enjoy and feel comfortable with.
But, there is huge YES and big NO - NO places to go for your first date and you need to consider it carefully.
You need to find places that are romantic enough to ensure a second round date will follow so it will not be your first and the last date too.
She is a woman after all, and women need you to romance her, to make her feel special.
Take her to Gym - Yes and No! Sweat smelling grunting sound place like gym is not a right place.
Her first impression of you will be a skunk smelling male who is struggling with his bench press trying to impress her.
Believe me, she won't.
You will imprint your image as a true selfish male on her mind.
Unless both of you are into bodybuilding.
Being training partner shall be a good idea.
You both will communicate and often have eyes and body contact.
If she is not - you are better of find other places.
Take her to Tai Qi out door - Yes! Tai Qi is so relaxing for both mind and body and perfect since it is usually done out door.
You will enjoy the fresh air while watching each other doing little erotic slow motion kungfu moves.
It will not leave your body sweat smelling and afterwards both of you shall have a glass of lemon tea or fruit juice in the café near by.
A walk in the beach - Yes! It is better than taking her to your local swimming pool.
Beach provides sentimental feeling and is a romantic place.
You can't go wrong with beach.
It has sun, sea, sand and beautiful body? Yes.
It's the right place to put on your sexy swim suit and show off your muscular chest, and you also will be able to see her right away in her bikini.
Hmm--not a bad idea, right? 4.
Teach her billiards.
Invite her to play some pool game with you.
She can't play? It's even more than perfect.
Offer to teach her.
You got the idea? Imagine her bending her body over the pool table and you stand close even so close behind her that you could smell her.
It is so erotic to whisper to her right to her ear while you are teaching her to play pool game.
Watch NBA game live! Why not.
Take her watch the game live, not on tube and let the spectator's emotion take effect.
If both of you indeed enjoy the same game, it will be a perfect night for both of you since you are going to scream, to jump, and hug each other to celebrate once your team score and win.
This will be a long interesting topic for weeks.
Country road take me home.
Yes Rent bike and ride you date to country side.
Challenge her to race to the country side.
The last one to reach it shall provide a dinner.
This idea is to let her win on purpose to ensure you have another opportunity to invite her for second date.
Don't forget to make some sandwiches and coffee with you.
At the end of the ride, find a place to eat it while having a good conversation.
Pamper her Pamper You.
Nothing can beat the warm water and jet stream of Jacuzzi.
It not only relaxes your muscle, but it gives you a feeling of levity that you can't get any other way.
Jacuzzi will unwind and strike up some interesting conversation.
You'll spend a day you won't soon forget with her.