Health & Medical sports & Exercise

Are You One of the Six Out of Ten Adults Who Don"t Exercise?

Even if the middle part of your life is years away it is useful to ask ourselves the question: "Am I doing what I can to assure a fully functioning body in the future?" Just as we prepare for our financial future, are we doing what we can to plan and prepare for our future health and wellness? What we are after of course apart from being free of illness is a body that does not hurt and one that allows us to easily participate in a variety of activities that we enjoy for as long as possible.
Statistics tell us that six out of ten adults do not do enough exercise that works the muscular system and without this essential activity all elements of our functional fitness will decline as we get older.
We used to think that it was just the years and our age that was responsible for the weakness and frailty that we see all around us in older people but now we know it is inactivity that is the culprit.
The facts are a sedentary lifestyle is a very dangerous one that can only lead to dysfunction and weakness.
The older you get the more you need to partake in a proper exercise program that contains mostly strength training exercise.
The answer - what we need to do - We need to work on keeping our strength as this is what holds our body up and keeps it moving.
Strong muscles support the skeleton and support and protect our joints.
This allows us to do everyday activities with ease and we need to keep it that way no matter our age.
We need to keep our flexibility - If we do not use body parts the tissues become stiff and rigid, stuck together with biochemical glue.
This contributes to joint pain, arthritis and more and more disability.
Your strength training program takes the joints through their full ranges of motion keeping them strong and lubricated stopping the glue from being formed.
Proper exercise will restore and maintain the movement of our joints so we can move freely and without pain.
If we have a moving part we must move it.
We need to maintain our body alignment - There is one template where our body functions best.
When we deviate from that it causes problems and a sagging, slouching body will eventually become a painful one that is no longer capable of all it can do.
We need to stay very active - Our body lives and thrives on movement - vigorous movement that involves our muscles so they and the bones they are attached to stay strong and healthy.
It is a shame that our society encourages people to curtail and limit movement just at the time in our lives when we need it most.
Thing work best when used, machinery, cars, our own skills and our brain and the same goes for our body.
Put it through its paces 2-3 times each week with a proper strength training program and it will reward you with a lifetime of a fully functional body.
No nursing home for you.
Unfortunately many of us only focus on today and right now and we don't ever stop to consider what how our exercise decisions may affect us down the road.
But what we do each and every day, right now has an incredible impact on our health later in life.
Proper exercise not only benefits us today, but it is an investment in our future.
But now you are aware of this you will be prepared won't you?
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