It's OK to wonder about this question, but what is the first question you should ask a person, before they become your lover? "Are they married".
They could tell you that they are single but of course, they may lie to you in which case you can either take their word or you can find out for yourself.
Unfortunately married men are very cunning; their lies can be very convincing.
If your new lover has only given you his cell phone number or you only see him (strictly) at weekends then the chances are that he is married.
Furthermore, if he is very secretive about his family and friends or has never given you his home address, alarm bell should be deafening.
A relationship can not be founded on secrets or mis truths, and if he is married that is exactly what will happen.
There are signs which will be pretty obvious, but unfortunately they tend to take a back seat when our emotions come into play.
Some things should be done at the first signs that a relationship is starting, this is called damage control.
You may be devastated to find out that he is married, but finding out before it goes too far can save your emotions, not only yours but his wife's too.
There is so much deception going on in the world, the last thing you want is to be just another statistic.
Mr Right may be just down the road if this one turns out to be married.
There are ways and means to find out if he is married, you don't have to be a private investigator, you don't have to follow him for days to see where he goes and you don't have to break any laws.
You can stay right where you are and use the keyboard.
That's right; all the information to find out the answer to that burning question, "are they married" can be accessed from your computer or laptop.
They could tell you that they are single but of course, they may lie to you in which case you can either take their word or you can find out for yourself.
Unfortunately married men are very cunning; their lies can be very convincing.
If your new lover has only given you his cell phone number or you only see him (strictly) at weekends then the chances are that he is married.
Furthermore, if he is very secretive about his family and friends or has never given you his home address, alarm bell should be deafening.
A relationship can not be founded on secrets or mis truths, and if he is married that is exactly what will happen.
There are signs which will be pretty obvious, but unfortunately they tend to take a back seat when our emotions come into play.
Some things should be done at the first signs that a relationship is starting, this is called damage control.
You may be devastated to find out that he is married, but finding out before it goes too far can save your emotions, not only yours but his wife's too.
There is so much deception going on in the world, the last thing you want is to be just another statistic.
Mr Right may be just down the road if this one turns out to be married.
There are ways and means to find out if he is married, you don't have to be a private investigator, you don't have to follow him for days to see where he goes and you don't have to break any laws.
You can stay right where you are and use the keyboard.
That's right; all the information to find out the answer to that burning question, "are they married" can be accessed from your computer or laptop.