If you have ever posted articles to article directories (submission sites), then you know what a laborious task it is.
There are so many differences between the submission sites, you can end up wanting to tear your hair out.
So as a result, you end up doing like I was doing , only submitting to a very few sites.
So the net result is that you lost all the exposure you should have been getting from the other submission sites.
What's the big deal anyway, you say! Perhaps you're not fully aware of the enormous viral power of having your articles spread out all over the Net? Let me give just one quick example from my own experience.
In a period of only 6 months I posted 14 articles to only 8 submission sites.
Other people then picked up my articles and are using them on their web sites and in their newsletters.
Of course my name is on all my articles, and also appears a few t imes on my [http://www.
com] web site, which today has over 260 pages of good content.
I add new content regularly.
Now to see the effect all this is having in just 6 months, do a search on Google for "Fred Farah" (in quotes please).
6 months ago "Fred Farah" showed up only 200 times.
Far from impressive, right? Right! Well now, only 6 months later Google finds my name over 11,000 times, and Yahoo over 8,100.
Are these pages all mine? I believe that 98 to 99% are me.
Am I telling you this to brag? No, not really (even though I'm very proud of it).
The real purpose is to prove to you how truly powerful it is to post articles.
And remember that I only used 8 submission sites.
Here's the good news, actually great news.
After almost one year in the making, Article Submitter Prolaunched Aug 23, 2005.
Easy to use, and almost fully automatic, this article submission software looks to perhaps be the most effective viral and time saving Article Tool on the market.
What makes this such an important announcement! Well it's this..
Now that I'm using Article Submitter Pro, imagine how this is going to dramatically change the statusof my recognition.
Instead of 11,000 results on Google Search, it might be double or triple that number.
By posting articles to dozens of sites, (I started with about 100) I should benefit immensely from the powerful viral effect it will have.
Enough said! If you need more proof check out the benefits listed on the web site.
Read the testimonials too, and you can thank me later, after you get your name up "in lights".
Need more Convincing on the Importance of Articles? Then read more about it here ...
Article Submitting, a Valuable Marketing Tool [http://www.
html] By Ken Nadreau and Fred Farah Write Articles to get trafficBy Jim Edwards [http://www.
html] Don't Forget to Write ArticlesBy Rosalind Gardner [http://www.
html] By Fred Farah Copyright 2005
There are so many differences between the submission sites, you can end up wanting to tear your hair out.
So as a result, you end up doing like I was doing , only submitting to a very few sites.
So the net result is that you lost all the exposure you should have been getting from the other submission sites.
What's the big deal anyway, you say! Perhaps you're not fully aware of the enormous viral power of having your articles spread out all over the Net? Let me give just one quick example from my own experience.
In a period of only 6 months I posted 14 articles to only 8 submission sites.
Other people then picked up my articles and are using them on their web sites and in their newsletters.
Of course my name is on all my articles, and also appears a few t imes on my [http://www.
com] web site, which today has over 260 pages of good content.
I add new content regularly.
Now to see the effect all this is having in just 6 months, do a search on Google for "Fred Farah" (in quotes please).
6 months ago "Fred Farah" showed up only 200 times.
Far from impressive, right? Right! Well now, only 6 months later Google finds my name over 11,000 times, and Yahoo over 8,100.
Are these pages all mine? I believe that 98 to 99% are me.
Am I telling you this to brag? No, not really (even though I'm very proud of it).
The real purpose is to prove to you how truly powerful it is to post articles.
And remember that I only used 8 submission sites.
Here's the good news, actually great news.
After almost one year in the making, Article Submitter Prolaunched Aug 23, 2005.
Easy to use, and almost fully automatic, this article submission software looks to perhaps be the most effective viral and time saving Article Tool on the market.
What makes this such an important announcement! Well it's this..
Now that I'm using Article Submitter Pro, imagine how this is going to dramatically change the statusof my recognition.
Instead of 11,000 results on Google Search, it might be double or triple that number.
By posting articles to dozens of sites, (I started with about 100) I should benefit immensely from the powerful viral effect it will have.
Enough said! If you need more proof check out the benefits listed on the web site.
Read the testimonials too, and you can thank me later, after you get your name up "in lights".
Need more Convincing on the Importance of Articles? Then read more about it here ...
Article Submitting, a Valuable Marketing Tool [http://www.
html] By Ken Nadreau and Fred Farah Write Articles to get trafficBy Jim Edwards [http://www.
html] Don't Forget to Write ArticlesBy Rosalind Gardner [http://www.
html] By Fred Farah Copyright 2005