Do women find you attractive? Are you struggling in the dating world because women are ignoring you? Is your appearance sabotaging any chance of success? Some people are born with natural good looks, and the rest of us just have to work a little harder.
No matter who you are, or what hand you've been dealt by nature, every guy can do something to improve his looks.
While you may not be able to reach movie star stature, you should be able to work with what you have to improve your appearance.
For most guys, the biggest bang for their buck usually involves their body, cosmetics, and clothing.
Here are three steps to a new you: Changing your body - whether you're overweight, underweight, or just a little flabby, diet and exercise can have a dramatic affect on your overall image.
No one is "stuck" with the body they have.
By getting on a diet and exercise program, you can literally transform your image in a matter of months.
Start a muscle building/cardio program, start eating right, and the results can be amazing.
One benefit of this is that women will notice this change almost immediately.
Cosmetics - there is always room for improvement when it comes to cosmetics.
Trade your glasses for contacts, get a new haircut, whatever it takes.
You would be well advised to get the honest opinion of someone you trust - preferably a woman.
It's sometimes hard to know where your defects are, what looks good, and what doesn't.
Clothing - changing your wardrobe can be one of the quickest and most effective things you can do to change your image.
The right clothes can speak volumes about a person.
If you've never given this much thought and you always seem to be buying the same boring, out of date clothes, then perhaps it's time that you step out a little and experiment with a new look.
Again, don't rely on your own judgment when it comes to this (it's obviously not worked in the past).
Instead, take someone shopping with you (preferably a woman) and hit some of the better men's stores.
Make sure you try on several styles and get the honest opinion of whoever you are with.
No matter who you are, or what hand you've been dealt by nature, every guy can do something to improve his looks.
While you may not be able to reach movie star stature, you should be able to work with what you have to improve your appearance.
For most guys, the biggest bang for their buck usually involves their body, cosmetics, and clothing.
Here are three steps to a new you: Changing your body - whether you're overweight, underweight, or just a little flabby, diet and exercise can have a dramatic affect on your overall image.
No one is "stuck" with the body they have.
By getting on a diet and exercise program, you can literally transform your image in a matter of months.
Start a muscle building/cardio program, start eating right, and the results can be amazing.
One benefit of this is that women will notice this change almost immediately.
Cosmetics - there is always room for improvement when it comes to cosmetics.
Trade your glasses for contacts, get a new haircut, whatever it takes.
You would be well advised to get the honest opinion of someone you trust - preferably a woman.
It's sometimes hard to know where your defects are, what looks good, and what doesn't.
Clothing - changing your wardrobe can be one of the quickest and most effective things you can do to change your image.
The right clothes can speak volumes about a person.
If you've never given this much thought and you always seem to be buying the same boring, out of date clothes, then perhaps it's time that you step out a little and experiment with a new look.
Again, don't rely on your own judgment when it comes to this (it's obviously not worked in the past).
Instead, take someone shopping with you (preferably a woman) and hit some of the better men's stores.
Make sure you try on several styles and get the honest opinion of whoever you are with.