Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Effective Time Management - Discover Your Peak Performance Time

There are times when I can sit for several hours of the day trying to get things accomplished and I am not getting much work done.
Then there are times when I sit down at my computer and everything is clicking like clockwork.
I'm amazed at how productive I can be! What's the difference? If you have ever experienced both these situations you will be glad to know that you can discover a way to fill your business hours with the first scenario rather than the second.
Let me tell you the greatest time management secret alive! When I am working productively I am working in my "Peak Performance Time".
Working in Peak Performance Time will always bring me the greatest results.
When I use Peak Performance Time to my advantage I will have mastered the greatest skill in effective time management.
7 steps to discovering and enhancing your own Peak Performance Time: 1.
What time of day do you have the most energy? Do you drag at 3 in the afternoon? Then that is not your most productive time.
Looking back over yesterday, what part of the day did you accomplish the most productive work? 3.
Thinking time.
What time of day do you think most clearly? Are there times of the day where your brain seems to go into a semi comatose state? Do you wake up energized and slow down in the evenings or vice-versa? 4.
Leverage exercise to improve your peak performance.
Movement increases energy.
Find time each day to add the benefits of exercise to your life, motivation being one of the greatest benefits of all.
Positive attitude.
Enthusiasm is contagious.
Motivate yourself with a positive attitude.
Use enthusiasm to bring about productivity by thinking of all the benefits of completing your present task.
Increase energy by exercising your brain.
See in your minds eye where you are going.
Clear your mind of all the things nagging for your attention and laser focus on the area in which you are working.
Clearly get a picture of the finished product and then the steps it takes to get there.
Use mental power to get you motivated to reaching your goal.
Cheer leading.
Capitalize your Mental Rehearsal.
Positive self-talk increases your perception of yourself and your performance.
Always, always guard your thoughts.
They generate your next moments!
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