Health & Medical Diabetes

Diabetes Control - It"s the Secret to Protect Your Foot

Nowadays there is an alarming rise in the number of diabetics suffering from diabetes.
Countries all over the world are concerned much about the abnormal increase of diabetics finding no proper way of treating diabetes.
It is also true with many people that they tend to be diabetic at a relatively younger age.
Many of them are admitted to hospitals due to infection or gangrene of the feet, a condition commonly identified as 'Diabetic foot'.
Some cases lead to amputation of the foot.
It has been established that people need diabetes control to protect the foot.
With a First Aid for blood sugar control can help protect the foot from infection.
Classification of diabetic foot Diabetic foot has four categories in its classification as: • Diabetics with normal sensation and normal circulation • Diabetics with reduced sensation and reduced circulation • Diabetics with normal sensation but reduced circulation • Diabetics with reduced sensation and reduced circulation Diagnosis for infected foot • Identify the duration of diabetes • Maintain a record of fasting and post-lunch/post-dinner blood sugar levels to measure glucosylated haemoglobin (HbA1C) • Monitor the change in the shape of the toes and foot • Get someone to touch the foot with a cotton swab to test if the person can feel the sensation with eyes closed • Check the temperature of the foot and check for foot arterial pulsation by a doctor.
If the foot remains cold, or pulsations are absent it could mean that blood circulation is reduced Prevention of foot infection It is essential to take care of your feet and to maintain good pedal hygiene.
It also requires to cleaning your feet, as well as your nail bed, soles and web spaces with a mild soap and lukewarm water.
After this, a soft and dry towel or a hair dryer should be used to clean the space between the toes.
You can better use a moisturizing cream over the feet and soles to protect the skin but the web spaces should be excluded in this application.
Treatment for infected foot The best way to protect your foot is diabetes control.
Once you suspect any signs of diabetes you should immediately consult your doctor and start treatment.
Other things to care are: • Monitor your blood sugar levels periodically • Have a right diet plan to reduce sugars in the bloodstream • Have exercise routine for about 20-30 minutes daily • Have good knowledge of good and bad foods for diabetics
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