Foods don't only nourish your body or gives you energy to go on but can also play a major role in your enlargement quest.
The food you eat can control the size of your penis.
If you want to get bigger and harder then, learn to eat right.
A good diet and exercise (jelqing) can give you a good penis size permanently.
Diet: For penis to grow, there have to be a good blood flow to the penis tissues.
The main thing to look out for in food is for those ingredients that will increase your blood flow.
The substances contained in these foods are called vasodilators and they work by relaxing the smooth muscles making up the walls of blood vessels.
Examples of such foods include: tuna, salmon, seafood, grains, milk, liver, green vegetables, carrots, tomatoes and sweet potatoes.
These foods are very beneficial to your body and penis because a healthy food for your body is also very healthy for your penis.
In addition to the above, also try to take multivitamin supplements daily and quit smoking completely.
Smoking can reduce blood flow to your penis and that could jeopardize your enlargement goal.
Exercise (jelqing): This is a natural penis exercise that is capable of enlarging your penis, gives you good ejaculation control, increase your sexual stamina and a rock hard erection.
The penis is made up of two main chambers known as the Corpora Cavernosa.
Each of these chambers is responsible for erections.
The more blood stored in these two chambers determine how big your penis will be.
The aim of the penis exercise is to expand the chambers to hold more blood.
It takes less than 15 minutes a day to perform this exercise.
This method is safe, reliable and the result produced is permanent.
It is advisable to study jelqing training materials either videos or manual to get you acquainted with the right method to perform it in order to avoid any injury to your penis.
You need to be consistent with your routine and have patience because with jelqing result doesn't happen overnight.
But if you are consistent with your routine within some few weeks you will start seeing results.
Good diets and exercise can make you bigger and harder.
There is no reason to stay small anymore.
Get the right diet and start jelqing and you shall surely see how bigger you shall become.
The food you eat can control the size of your penis.
If you want to get bigger and harder then, learn to eat right.
A good diet and exercise (jelqing) can give you a good penis size permanently.
Diet: For penis to grow, there have to be a good blood flow to the penis tissues.
The main thing to look out for in food is for those ingredients that will increase your blood flow.
The substances contained in these foods are called vasodilators and they work by relaxing the smooth muscles making up the walls of blood vessels.
Examples of such foods include: tuna, salmon, seafood, grains, milk, liver, green vegetables, carrots, tomatoes and sweet potatoes.
These foods are very beneficial to your body and penis because a healthy food for your body is also very healthy for your penis.
In addition to the above, also try to take multivitamin supplements daily and quit smoking completely.
Smoking can reduce blood flow to your penis and that could jeopardize your enlargement goal.
Exercise (jelqing): This is a natural penis exercise that is capable of enlarging your penis, gives you good ejaculation control, increase your sexual stamina and a rock hard erection.
The penis is made up of two main chambers known as the Corpora Cavernosa.
Each of these chambers is responsible for erections.
The more blood stored in these two chambers determine how big your penis will be.
The aim of the penis exercise is to expand the chambers to hold more blood.
It takes less than 15 minutes a day to perform this exercise.
This method is safe, reliable and the result produced is permanent.
It is advisable to study jelqing training materials either videos or manual to get you acquainted with the right method to perform it in order to avoid any injury to your penis.
You need to be consistent with your routine and have patience because with jelqing result doesn't happen overnight.
But if you are consistent with your routine within some few weeks you will start seeing results.
Good diets and exercise can make you bigger and harder.
There is no reason to stay small anymore.
Get the right diet and start jelqing and you shall surely see how bigger you shall become.