Erectile dysfunction is a condition where you are unable to maintain an erection for long enough to engage in sexual intercourse.
According to research studies, the condition is most common among older men where almost 80% of all men aged over 75 years suffer from the condition.
Causes of Erectile Dysfunction There are many factors that bring about the condition.
The main ones are: Medical condition: this is the most common reason.
Some of the medical conditions that cause erectile dysfunction include: high blood pressure, obesity, heart disease, injury to the pelvis and nerve damage.
Medications: high blood pressure and antidepressants are two of the medications that have been strongly linked to erectile dysfunction.
Narcotics: these include drugs, tobacco, and alcohol.
Researchers have found that these damage the nervous system, alter the mind and dull your senses.
Testosterone: decreased levels of testosterone have been linked to the condition.
It's good to note that while low levels of testosterone bring about the condition, very rare cases of erectile dysfunction result from it.
Psychological problems: stress, depression and other mental related conditions can bring about erectile dysfunction.
Diagnosis of the Condition There are a number of ways in which you can diagnose the condition: Diagnosis by history: here you need to visit your doctor and the doctor will take a look at your medical records.
If you have a history of suffering from medical and psychological disorders, this could be the reason why you are having the condition.
Diagnosis by medical examination: if the doctor has taken a look at your medical and psychological history and there is no lead as to the cause of erectile dysfunction, you might be asked to undergo a medical examination.
Here the doctor will take a look at your pulse, penis sensitivity, hair growth, and penis shape.
From the examination the doctor will tell you the most likely cause of the condition.
Diagnosis by laboratory tests: diagnosis can take place in two labs: science lab or sleep lab.
In the science lab the medical professional will test your blood, urine, enzymes, and fat levels.
In the sleep lab the doctor will observe your nocturnal erections and from the results come up with a reason why you are having the condition.
Psychological evaluation: if the doctors have done physical evaluation and found that there is no reason why you should be having erectile dysfunction, the doctors will evaluate your mental health.
Some of the factors that the doctor will look at include: fear, anxiety, stress, and depression.
How to Prevent the Condition One of the known facts is that the condition is brought about by diabetes.
If you are diabetic you should work hard in ensuring that it doesn't affect your ability to achieve a strong erection.
You can do this by eating right.
You should also ensure that you take the right medications at the right time.
If you find that you are unable to maintain a strong erection for a long time, you shouldn't be embarrassed.
All you need to do is to talk to your doctor.
Erectile dysfunction is more common than you think.
As mentioned earlier, almost 80% of men over the age of 75 years have it; therefore, there is nothing to be ashamed of.
By talking to your doctor he/she will help you in getting rid of the condition before it reaches advanced levels.
Conclusion This is what you need to know about erectile dysfunction.
If you feel that you have the condition, you shouldn't sit and feel sorry about yourself.
You should take the initiative and visit your doctor who will give you the guidance and medication that you need.
According to research studies, the condition is most common among older men where almost 80% of all men aged over 75 years suffer from the condition.
Causes of Erectile Dysfunction There are many factors that bring about the condition.
The main ones are: Medical condition: this is the most common reason.
Some of the medical conditions that cause erectile dysfunction include: high blood pressure, obesity, heart disease, injury to the pelvis and nerve damage.
Medications: high blood pressure and antidepressants are two of the medications that have been strongly linked to erectile dysfunction.
Narcotics: these include drugs, tobacco, and alcohol.
Researchers have found that these damage the nervous system, alter the mind and dull your senses.
Testosterone: decreased levels of testosterone have been linked to the condition.
It's good to note that while low levels of testosterone bring about the condition, very rare cases of erectile dysfunction result from it.
Psychological problems: stress, depression and other mental related conditions can bring about erectile dysfunction.
Diagnosis of the Condition There are a number of ways in which you can diagnose the condition: Diagnosis by history: here you need to visit your doctor and the doctor will take a look at your medical records.
If you have a history of suffering from medical and psychological disorders, this could be the reason why you are having the condition.
Diagnosis by medical examination: if the doctor has taken a look at your medical and psychological history and there is no lead as to the cause of erectile dysfunction, you might be asked to undergo a medical examination.
Here the doctor will take a look at your pulse, penis sensitivity, hair growth, and penis shape.
From the examination the doctor will tell you the most likely cause of the condition.
Diagnosis by laboratory tests: diagnosis can take place in two labs: science lab or sleep lab.
In the science lab the medical professional will test your blood, urine, enzymes, and fat levels.
In the sleep lab the doctor will observe your nocturnal erections and from the results come up with a reason why you are having the condition.
Psychological evaluation: if the doctors have done physical evaluation and found that there is no reason why you should be having erectile dysfunction, the doctors will evaluate your mental health.
Some of the factors that the doctor will look at include: fear, anxiety, stress, and depression.
How to Prevent the Condition One of the known facts is that the condition is brought about by diabetes.
If you are diabetic you should work hard in ensuring that it doesn't affect your ability to achieve a strong erection.
You can do this by eating right.
You should also ensure that you take the right medications at the right time.
If you find that you are unable to maintain a strong erection for a long time, you shouldn't be embarrassed.
All you need to do is to talk to your doctor.
Erectile dysfunction is more common than you think.
As mentioned earlier, almost 80% of men over the age of 75 years have it; therefore, there is nothing to be ashamed of.
By talking to your doctor he/she will help you in getting rid of the condition before it reaches advanced levels.
Conclusion This is what you need to know about erectile dysfunction.
If you feel that you have the condition, you shouldn't sit and feel sorry about yourself.
You should take the initiative and visit your doctor who will give you the guidance and medication that you need.