Health & Medical Men's Health

Getting A Bigger Penis - 1 STUPID Misconception That Causes Men To Never Grow Bigger (And Worse!)

Getting a bigger penis is possible...
if you don't fall for the traps! Besides ineffective and dangerous enlargement options, another trap is misconceptions when it comes to having a larger endowment.
My friend, if you want to simply enlarge your size without any issues, then I highly recommend you continue reading on to find out what this misconception is and why you MUST ignore it by all means! You know, getting a bigger penis is actually a fun and enjoyable experience.
The method I chose to do (which were penis exercises by the way) was easy, interesting, and very effective.
The mindset I had going into getting my manhood bigger was that I simply wanted to enlarge my manhood to a length and thickness that would make women orgasm effortlessly, and I also wanted to last longer during sex.
My expectations with using the method I chose was that I wanted to add a couple of inches to my penis within a couple of months time...
and I did.
Now that was for me and many other men.
However, there are some men out there that are paying attention a TERRIBLE misconception that are causing them to never increase their sizes, end up with horrible side-effects, spend a ton of money, and more! This misconception is that women prefer penis sizes over ten inches! That is a bunch of bull! In fact, most women a terrified of a penis that freaking big! It has been proven by MANY different studies that a large percentage of women prefer a penis size that is around 7-9 inches long, it has to have some thickness to it, it has to be rock hard, and it has to look attractive (straight and not curved, big mushroom head, muscular looking, etc.
Women look at 5 inches (which is where I WAS at) as small and 6 inches as average...
which is actually accurate.
A man with a small 5 inch penis is going to be sweating bullets trying to get his women to orgasm, and a man with an average 6 inch penis may have some luck, but not without a good deal of foreplay involved.
And a man with a 7-9 inch penis (with good thickness and firmness) can really cause intense orgasms for her...
multiple times.
Here Is The Problem...
Now, as you can see from above, women do not prefer 10 inches, they more so prefer 7-9 inches (with extra bonuses).
But for the men who do not know this, and they instead go off of the misconception that women prefer 10 inches, this will then lead them to opt for dangerous methods hoping that they can enlarge their sizes enormously and quickly! This will also lead men to continuing an enlargement method beyond the recommended time-frame...
thus putting him in even more danger.
If that wasn't enough, it also causes problems mentally since realistically men can only naturally enlarge their size (typically) to around 7-9 inches, and if someone trying to get a bigger manhood has not reached above 10 inches, they feel as if they have failed at getting bigger! Here Is The Solution...
First, understand what most women truly desire most (7-9 inches), what scares the mess out of them (over 10 inches), and what makes them giggle (5 inches and below)! 2.
Second, with the enlargement option you do choose, please ensure that it is 100% natural.
Pumps, extenders, weights, pills, patches, creams, surgery, etc.
are all ineffective, and most of them are VERY dangerous...
to say the least! Natural enlargement (such as exercising your manhood) not only significantly increases your penis size, it also increases your sex drive, it increases how long you can last with sex (I'm averaging 20-30 minutes now...
and this is from lasting 5-10 minutes before), it improves the overall health of your manhood, and more.
So as you can see, going natural just simply makes sense in so many ways.
Take it easy! Follow the method you choose exactly as it is laid out for you.
Trying to rush growth is only going to cause side-effects and it may also cause you to not receive any significant results.
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