The term may sound suspicious but there a lot of men swear by the efficacy of Jelqing as a natural penis enhancement that can increase the length of the penis.
Jelqing, after all, has been around for centuries, particularly in the Arab states.
This natural penis enhancement has been passed on from generation to generation as a legitimate and natural means for men to get ready for marriage, and a life of pleasing their spouses during sexual activity.
Now, you probably already know how the technique is done.
And at this point, you are probably already familiar with the many different variations of this technique.
It's easy to do, although it could be repetitive.
But the question that lurks in your mind is this: does it really work? What is the principle behind it, and what is the explanation behind its promise of greater penile length without the side effects? When you perform the Jelqing exercise regularly, you cause your penile tissues to develop minute tears.
Because these "injuries" are so minuscule, there is no pain associated with them at all.
After some time, these tears heal, causing the tissues to get enlarged and grow tougher, and the penis to increase its length and girth.
And because you get used to the activity, you also end up with erections that are stronger and that last longer.
But of course, you cannot expect to get your desired results from a few days of "working out.
" You need to stick to the exercise and follow your routines religiously until the results start showing up.
Jelqing, after all, has been around for centuries, particularly in the Arab states.
This natural penis enhancement has been passed on from generation to generation as a legitimate and natural means for men to get ready for marriage, and a life of pleasing their spouses during sexual activity.
Now, you probably already know how the technique is done.
And at this point, you are probably already familiar with the many different variations of this technique.
It's easy to do, although it could be repetitive.
But the question that lurks in your mind is this: does it really work? What is the principle behind it, and what is the explanation behind its promise of greater penile length without the side effects? When you perform the Jelqing exercise regularly, you cause your penile tissues to develop minute tears.
Because these "injuries" are so minuscule, there is no pain associated with them at all.
After some time, these tears heal, causing the tissues to get enlarged and grow tougher, and the penis to increase its length and girth.
And because you get used to the activity, you also end up with erections that are stronger and that last longer.
But of course, you cannot expect to get your desired results from a few days of "working out.
" You need to stick to the exercise and follow your routines religiously until the results start showing up.