Health & Medical Lose Weight

Can You Lose Weight And Get A Flat Tummy With Laxative Tea - Read These 4 Facts!

If you are working hard to find out the elusive secret to losing weight fast, you are not alone. However, there is no such secret; only a lot of gimmicks, some of them even harmful to health. Unfortunately, laxative teas are counted amongst these. So, before you step out to make your purchase, do finish reading this.

The Weight Loss Caused by Laxative Teas

A lot of people have lost some weight with herbal laxative teas, but unfortunately that weight loss hasn't been healthy or consistent and it is not even the loss of excess fat in your body. Instead, what people lose is water, which is actually vital for the body. The water drains out with the stool, as laxative teas cause diarrhea in varying intensities, depending on the amount you have consumed and your body's constitution. Apart from diarrhea, herbal teas can also cause digestion problems, abdominal cramps, vomiting, weakness, and even loss of life in extreme cases.

The Dangers

The reason why laxative tea's don't promote real weight loss is because they act in the large intestine, whereas most of your body's excess calories and fat are stored in the small intestine. In fact, the effects of the laxative tea on the large intestine are quite destructive, which is why some of the side effects mentioned above are experienced. Also, if you consume these herbal laxative tea's over a period of time, your colon will become sluggish and your body could lose the ability to produce normal bowel movements. As a result, you will need more and more of these tea's to help you overcome constipation. This way you may just become dependent on them, which can lead to fatal consequences. The diarrhea caused by these teas can also lead to mal-absorption and loss of some vital nutrients, such as potassium.

Constipation Relief and Detoxification

A lot of people use herbal laxative teas not just to lose weight fast, but also for constipation relief and their supposed detoxification benefits. However, for both these functions, there are better solutions available out there. The risks associated with laxative teas far outweigh any marginal detoxification benefits they may have. Besides, there is no conclusive study that prove that these teas are really good for detoxification.

The Misleading 'Herbal' Label

A lot of people get taken in by the 'herbal' label, mistakenly interpreting it as 'natural and healthy.' However, nature is full of very powerful herbs that can be very dangerous, if consumed in large enough quantities. The typical ingredients of laxative teas are senna leaf, rhubarb root, cascara, aloe, buckthorn and castor oil. All these herbs are powerful and can have serious side effects when they are used in the kind of quantities that laxative teas contain. Rhubarb root and senna leaf are recognized by the FDA as especially dangerous.

Ultimately, the only real weight loss solution is the combination of a healthy and balanced diet and sufficient exercise. If these are not working for you, you may have a medical condition that is causing your excess weight and you need to consult a physician.

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