With the trend of multistory residential and commercial properties on the rise, cargo lifts have become an essential feature of almost all new construction. In fact, every resident now take these lifts as a must-have feature of their building.
Many owners and building managers with plans for cargo lift installation are usually not well versed in the technicalities of these systems. While a competent cargo lift installation firm would provide all sorts of information on their products, it is essential that the person(s) responsible for the building should be aware of the technology and components that make up the cargo lift systems. This way, they are in a better position to make informed decisions. The following five areas are the most crucial for the safe operation of cargo lifts.
Mast is the structural support for the entire system. This is the vertical support rig in which the cage moves vertically in both directions. For maximum structural support and stability, always opt for a two-mast system. This dual configuration provides excellent support to the cargo cage. The best materials for the mast are aluminum and stainless steel.
Cargo Cage
Cargo cage is the carriage that is used for transporting the cargo to its designated floor. When consulting with a cargo lift installation firm, always provide them with an idea of the maximum weight and diminutions of the cargo you would expect to move. This will help the firm come up with the right sized cage for your lift. The cage is usually constructed of the of the same material as the masts
Lifting Capacity
This is the most important parameter for cargo lift installation firms because the selection for every component depends on this variable. Lifting capacity dictates the material used for mast and the cargo cage, the number of cables and the placement and number of brakes.
Winders are the controlling mechanism for the cables that support the cargo cage. Cargo lifts are deigned to carry heavy loads and thus have more cables than residential lifts. Another difference is the material of the cables. Cargo lifts cable is made of hardened steel so that they could provide support to the heavy loads that cargo lift move.
Rotary Limit Switch
Rotary Limit switch is an essential component of all lift systems. In cargo lifts, it provides two functionalities. One, it allows the cargo cage to move along the masts and stop at designated stops. The second and more important function of rotary limit switch is to smoothen out the movement of the cargo cage. This ensures that the erratic movement of the cables does not damage the cargo carried by the lift.
Cargo lift installation is best left to professionals. Many websites offer DIT instructions for installing cargo lifts and people do try out these option with less than satisfactory results. Cargo lift installation involves many steps that are best learned through experience and working in the field. This is why a professional cargo lift installation works best all the time.
Many owners and building managers with plans for cargo lift installation are usually not well versed in the technicalities of these systems. While a competent cargo lift installation firm would provide all sorts of information on their products, it is essential that the person(s) responsible for the building should be aware of the technology and components that make up the cargo lift systems. This way, they are in a better position to make informed decisions. The following five areas are the most crucial for the safe operation of cargo lifts.
Mast is the structural support for the entire system. This is the vertical support rig in which the cage moves vertically in both directions. For maximum structural support and stability, always opt for a two-mast system. This dual configuration provides excellent support to the cargo cage. The best materials for the mast are aluminum and stainless steel.
Cargo Cage
Cargo cage is the carriage that is used for transporting the cargo to its designated floor. When consulting with a cargo lift installation firm, always provide them with an idea of the maximum weight and diminutions of the cargo you would expect to move. This will help the firm come up with the right sized cage for your lift. The cage is usually constructed of the of the same material as the masts
Lifting Capacity
This is the most important parameter for cargo lift installation firms because the selection for every component depends on this variable. Lifting capacity dictates the material used for mast and the cargo cage, the number of cables and the placement and number of brakes.
Winders are the controlling mechanism for the cables that support the cargo cage. Cargo lifts are deigned to carry heavy loads and thus have more cables than residential lifts. Another difference is the material of the cables. Cargo lifts cable is made of hardened steel so that they could provide support to the heavy loads that cargo lift move.
Rotary Limit Switch
Rotary Limit switch is an essential component of all lift systems. In cargo lifts, it provides two functionalities. One, it allows the cargo cage to move along the masts and stop at designated stops. The second and more important function of rotary limit switch is to smoothen out the movement of the cargo cage. This ensures that the erratic movement of the cables does not damage the cargo carried by the lift.
Cargo lift installation is best left to professionals. Many websites offer DIT instructions for installing cargo lifts and people do try out these option with less than satisfactory results. Cargo lift installation involves many steps that are best learned through experience and working in the field. This is why a professional cargo lift installation works best all the time.