Business & Finance Blogging

Make More Money Blogging Online

Making money online blogging is very possible.
People are doing it every day.
I'm talking about real, pay your bills money.
There are free options on the web but I'm not a big fan of them.
For less than $10 a month you can start blogging with a full featured WordPress site.
With most hosting packages, you can install WordPress with a click in your control panel.
I recommend for a new blogger that you make sure your hosting company provides that.
If you are unsure, contact them before you buy.
They will usually have a contact form or even live chat.
Don't be shy.
Use it.
If you leave a comment asking for a recommendation, I'll be happy to provide one.
If you want to start earning money there are several ways to approach it.
The three major ways of earning an income are:
  • You can sell advertising space.
    The fastest way to get started with that is through Google AdSense.
  • Promote Other Peoples Programs through affiliate marketing
  • Write and Sell Your Own eBook.
If I try to cover that in full, in this article, I will overload you with information.
For the beginner, it is important to move slow and learn a little at a time.
This is a marathon, it is not a sprint.
If you want to make money online it will take time.
That is one of the reasons it is important to stop putting it off and do it right now.
Don't start out right away trying to make money.
Instead write articles about your interest.
Share your knowledge about something you're interested in.
If you don't think you have enough knowledge, research it by searching the internet.
Read other blogs and read forums.
Even though selling is your primary goal that doesn't mean you need to actively sell something.
You should be subtle.
You should first build trust.
You do that by giving something of value to your reader..
The very first thing you need to do with your money making blog is decide what your blog will be about.
It is fine to have a blog about you but that is not the blog you should be trying to make money with.
If you are like most people, your interest are probably too broad.
Your blog needs to have more focus.
Many people refer to this focus as your niche.
In the beginning, I don't think it is as important to find a niche that is popular.
I think it is more important to pick a niche that is something you are interested in.
This will also make it less work and more fun for you.
The single most important thing you can do after that is start writing.
If you don't now what to write about, search for forums related to your niche.
Join those forums and read the messages.
Don't take their messages as your own, instead, use them for inspiration.
Let them help give you ideas to write about.
Something I've used is Google Alerts.
You can set up alerts for items about your interest.
I have been using this for many years.
It is a great way to keep up with what is going on with things that interest me and has given me endless ideas to write about.
My problem is finding time to write about all the ideas I have.
The biggest thing that holds people back from making money by blogging is they just never start.
So don't be one of those.
Getting started is the first step!
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