Business & Finance Blogging

Photo Mosaic Meme"s - Adding Character to Your Blog

If you surf the Internet quite a bit, and in particular enjoy frequenting different blogs, then you have probably come across at least one photo mosaic meme. You may not have known what you were looking at or what it was called, but you probably found it interesting. Just in case you have no clue what a photo mosaic meme is, it is a mosaic composed of twelve different pictures (more or less based on your preferences)that you may have seen on any number of blogs.

Photo mosaic meme’s are relatively easy to create and add a bit of character to otherwise plain blogs or websites. Basically, online photo mosaic meme creators ask you a series of twelve questions for which you input the answers and your mosaic is created based upon the answers you give. An excellent automated online photo mosaic creator is at You simply put in your answers to the questions and you have a unique photo mosaic meme in seconds. Want something a little different? Simply change your answers to create a new mosaic.

There are also online photo mosaic meme makers that allow you to choose your own photos; and then your mosaic is created based on the photos you have selected. Though 12 photos seems to be the most popular number for creating a photo mosaic meme, there are mosaic creators that allow you to build your meme based on the number of rows and columns you select, which means you can add more or less photos depending on what you hope to achieve.

If you have a blog that is lacking in character, you should definitely think about adding your own photo mosaic meme. Adding a photo mosaic meme to your blog helps it stand apart from others, especially if you have chosen a standard template for your blog’s theme.

The photos that you choose for your mosaic tell your visitors a bit about yourself and showcase your artistic talent, even if you previously believed you had none. Often, the end result of your mosaic is surprisingly beautiful. When visitors to your blog see your photo mosaic meme, they learn a bit about your likes and dislikes as well as your character.

For example, suppose you have chosen mostly photos with a hint of blues and violets - it may indicate that you are a serene, peace loving individual. Or perhaps you just chose those particular photos because you liked them. It is all in the interpretation of the viewer - art tends to mean different things to different people. If you ask five different people what they think about a piece of artwork, you are liable to get five different answers. The important thing, though, is that your photo mosaic meme ultimately caught and held their interest.

There is no easier or quicker way to spice up your dull blog than by adding a simple photo mosaic meme. Whereas creating graphics can take days or weeks, adding a mosaic to your blog takes only a few minutes. Be sure to experiment with the many different mosaic creators online until you achieve the look you are hoping for. Once you have completed your photo mosaic meme, you will probably wonder what took you so long to add this simple artistic touch to your blog.
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