Pets & Animal: Cat Memorials and Picture Gallery: Tango

Cat Memorials and Picture Gallery: Tango

Creating a memorial to a cat you have loved and lost is a good way not only to honor your beloved kitty, but also to help you through the grieving process. These memorials speak for themselves of the bond between humans and cats that transcends life itself.

Pets & Animal: The Best Food Supplement For Cats

The Best Food Supplement For Cats

Many companies worldwide make cat food and they differ in the ingredients they offer and the quality of the food. Fortunately, there are many great food supplements such as Be Well For Cats so that you can care for your cat in the best way possible.

Pets & Animal: Domestic Cat Behaviour: Socializing Your Cat With a New Animal

Domestic Cat Behaviour: Socializing Your Cat With a New Animal

So you've decided to adopt a new playmate for your kitty? Choosing a new cat or dog to bring home is the easy part, but what you really have to work at is socializing the new animal with your feline. Often the newcomer cannot wait to make a new friend, but it is your cat who may become uncomfor

Pets & Animal: Cutest Cat Contest Picture Gallery: Angelina

Cutest Cat Contest Picture Gallery: Angelina

Cutest Cat Contestant Angelina. Is your cat the cutest cat in the world? is pleased to announce the Cutest Cat Picture Contest. Please read the rules carefully, then submit your Cutest Cat photo by following these Guidelines.

Pets & Animal: A Guide to Cat Bladder Stones

A Guide to Cat Bladder Stones

Learn how to avoid cat urinary problems. Discover how cat bladder stones form and how to prevent them.

Pets & Animal: Bob the Street Cat True Story

Bob the Street Cat True Story

Are you wondering why Bob is such a special cat or how he saved his owner's life? You'll have to read the book to find out. But without spoiling the story I hope to give you enough of it to whet your appetite.

Pets & Animal: 2008 Tuxedo Cats Picture Gallery: JunkYard

2008 Tuxedo Cats Picture Gallery: JunkYard

Black and white cats are like snowflakes: you'll never see any two with identical markings, but Tuxedos usually have some form of a white "V" on the chest-- very formal and striking. Our May Cats Picture Calendar is dedicated to Tuxedo cats and other black-and-white cats. Enjoy these

Pets & Animal: Cystitis in Cats

Cystitis in Cats

Feline cystitis occurs when a cat's inner urinary wall becomes irritated and inflames the bladder. Feline cystitis is also called feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD) and feline urologic syndrome (FUS).

Pets & Animal: Diet for Felines Who Have Calcium Oxalate Dihydrate

Diet for Felines Who Have Calcium Oxalate Dihydrate

Calcium Oxalate Dihydrate, otherwise known as kidney stones, are formed in the kidney and begin as a crystal that becomes larger as more minerals accumulate around it, forming a stone. This stone will then travel down the ureter into the bladder and eventually out of the body through the urethra. I

Pets & Animal: Sneezing Cat - What Does it Mean?

Sneezing Cat - What Does it Mean?

Is your cat or kitten sneezing? How do you know whether your cat or kitten is sick? Is it a cold? Or is it allergies? Learn the differences.

Pets & Animal: 7 Signs and Symptoms of Feline UTI

7 Signs and Symptoms of Feline UTI

It's unbelievable how many cats are rushed to the veterinarian in a near-death state due to pet owners not being aware of the early signs and symptoms of feline UTI.Feline lower urinary tract disease is highly treatable and preventable, making proper home treatment and vigilance extremely impor

Pets & Animal: How to Build a Cat Window Perch with No Screws

How to Build a Cat Window Perch with No Screws

Many cats enjoy sitting in the window and watching the world go by, but they don't always fit on a narrow windowsill. Cat perches afford a comfortable seat, but apartment-dwelling cat owners often can't use screws to mount a cat perch to the windowsill or wall. This simple cat seat attaches with rem

Pets & Animal: Feline Iridology

Feline Iridology

Feline iridology is the process of diagnosing health issues in cats by examining the cat's iris. According to Frank Navratil, iridologist and nutritionist, it is not practiced worldwide.

Pets & Animal: What to Know About Cat Scratching

What to Know About Cat Scratching

Find out why cats scratch and what it does for their health. Also find out how to redirect your cat's scratching to other items such as a scratching post.

Pets & Animal: Water? How Much Does Your Cat Need

Water? How Much Does Your Cat Need

Like people, cats need water even more than food. Even a 10% loss of water can cause serious illness in a cat. So how much water is enough?And how do we persuade our cats to drink?

Pets & Animal: Planets, Stars & More: Video Series

Planets, Stars & More: Video Series

The sun is the largest object in our entire solar system. Learn more interesting facts about outer space with help from an experienced educator in this free video series.

Pets & Animal: What Are the Causes of Pain in a Feline's Hind Leg?

What Are the Causes of Pain in a Feline's Hind Leg?

Cats can hide their pain image by JASON WINTER from Fotolia.comOwning a cat can be a happy and rewarding experience, unless your pet gets injured. There are many different injuries and causes of pain that can affect cats.It should be noted that cats are generally very good at...

Pets & Animal: Daily Vitamins & Minerals for Cats

Daily Vitamins & Minerals for Cats

Cats that lack the proper amount of vitamins and minerals in their diet are more likely to contract diseases and generally have shorter life spans. Vitamins and minerals can help strengthen the immune system of cats, allowing them to live longer and fuller lives. Many cat foods---dry and wet alike-